Speed Demos Archive
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In use until September 2003
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Martin SelinusPosted - 1 December 2001 14:41 PST
/me salutes Jozsef.

You'll see why in the next update :)

JozsefPosted - 1 December 2001 14:43 PST
I'm saluting you as well my dear ;)

/do not take this serious =)

messiahPosted - 1 December 2001 15:03 PST
You own ecerything Jozsef!

/me sautes you

(take it serious)

KenPosted - 1 December 2001 18:32 PST
Great achievement, I always thought that could be done, since in the previous record (not the one Jozsef beat, the one before that), the guy did one of the tricks Jozsef implemented.. And the other new trick.. well.. it was just there, didn't know u could make it work easily, heh.. Oh, wait, who said it was easy? :P

We live, as we dream - alone.

Fr3nPosted - 1 December 2001 23:26 PST
someone update =)
minwaterPosted - 2 December 2001 11:00 PST
I never thought this could be done.. I have trouble getting 3 seconds slower =[
KenPosted - 2 December 2001 11:32 PST
Heh minwater. Where are those demos of yours? :P

We live, as we dream - alone.

RollePosted - 3 December 2001 2:05 PST
Hey PB!
Your spelling-skillz are as fucked up as your mother! :)


minwaterPosted - 3 December 2001 2:22 PST
ken: which demos.
messiahPosted - 3 December 2001 6:59 PST
i don't blame you rolle...its not your fault that you havent got any firend and a wierd family! you can always be something on ricki lake!
RollePosted - 3 December 2001 9:20 PST
Jonny..i got some friend'S' :)

I don't really like Ricky...she's a slut..
My woman is Jenny Jones, and i have appeared twice in the Jerry Springer show! :)

KenPosted - 3 December 2001 12:39 PST
minwater: You said you had "some demos" once..

We live, as we dream - alone.

Daniel. APosted - 4 December 2001 6:58 PST
i am rolle's "firend"
lodisPosted - 4 December 2001 8:57 PST
yeah, nicely done joe.

it´s kinda funny when you look at his profile, where he says about favourite demos from others, and I quote: "e1m5_017 by Markus - This is _amazing_! With a perfect exact time."
maybe you should update that profile now joe :)


timPosted - 4 December 2001 10:30 PST
i'm another of rolle's friends
he happens to say hello more enthuisiastly more that anyone i know .. and i dont' have time to spell check :P
HanzPosted - 4 December 2001 11:25 PST
LOL lodis, good point. That comment looks pretty corny now :)
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