Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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JozsefPosted - 5 December 2001 1:01 PST
I was really amazed after seeing markus's fantastic demo, it looked pretty damn neat! I still like that one, but well.... it was quite old, so somebody had to renew the demo :)
I wouldnt be surprised if some runner will improve it 2-3 years later. That's all about speedrunning...
Martin SelinusPosted - 5 December 2001 3:36 PST
I doubt that Jozsef :)
KenPosted - 5 December 2001 18:51 PST
I have to agree with Martin, that's pretty darn doubtful.

And yeah, Markus demo was fuckin' good. I don't know why he didn't do that Rocket push by the Gold Key, because Yonatan had it in his 0:18, and there are health boxes in the way.. but I guess that by itself wouldnt have saved an entire second..

We live, as we dream - alone.

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