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Author | Topic |
-SCUT-OpenGL | Posted - 24 February 2002 7:34 PST i want to take part in this speedrunning contest, but i know how poor my bunnies are, actually i hardly know what shall i do if i want to make "real bunnies", so i went back to the 100m map, watch the demos for many times, and practised very hard. after i went so nervous that i dont know what my spasming hands are doing and what is happening on the display, i finally improved my previous personal record(used quake2 style "straight bunnies", and i m the lamer who took the 7th place in that contest) by 0.2 seconds to get 11.35 with "real bunnies". it is still nothing to many runners, but it is a big achievement to me, as i my best time with "real bunnies" before was 12.2, now my average time is 11.7~11.9. well, maybe i can still improve it after some rest... and, stubby, could you tell me if are there any ER demos submitted for this contest slower than 11.1 seconds? it would be encouraging for me if there is any, as i would be not the worst one. =) Edited by - -SCUT-OpenGL on 2/24/2002 10:01:52 AM |
Ken | Posted - 24 February 2002 7:42 PST Heh. 11.2? I think I got 10.2 by just bunnying, without using any of the monsters/weapons in the map... But dont worry, submit your demos no matter how bad you think they are. We live, as we dream - alone. |
-SCUT-OpenGL | Posted - 24 February 2002 8:07 PST okay... i managed 10.6 with genocide, but havn't improved that 11.1 ER yet. i know there is some chance for improvement, though. fortunately i am a negligible guy and i don't haven a single record at sda(and probably never will), otherwise i might have been nominated for "fool of the year" in the nolans. =) well, i had thought that players new to speedrunning(like me) may naver have a chance to own a sda record, but stubby told me that i should take part in some contests at least. =\ |
Fr3n | Posted - 24 February 2002 9:29 PST sometimes in 100m I get as low as 13.9 with bunnies. sometimes. Edited by - Fr3n on 2/24/2002 9:30:53 AM |
tim | Posted - 24 February 2002 12:12 PST do what i did, find something no one will EVER do and do it :) examples include the NH all of doe hmm almost all those big marathons or something that no one plays much/at all DOE is great for this .. still a few good holes in there eg the r1m3 EH2 ... only EH2 hole ... someone HAS to do it one day or something like czg03 NR, look for something that has been forgotten if its just a single level demo then make a good demo before you send it in though, otherwise it will last 1 week, however if the run is long, hard it should stay with you for a while afterall, there is no requirement to be a bunny god before you make a demo, just look at ken before his recent improvements :P (ok, this wasn't meant to be insulting you ken, just a lil joke to make my point, and after all, you are running better now so don't be angry :) ) time i headed off to uni |
Verorberaar | Posted - 24 February 2002 12:29 PST He who was taht wawesome guy who did the NR in the blistering time of of 7:00? he even got all kills on the way and happened to trigger all secrets! damn that guy is goood! |
Verorberaar | Posted - 24 February 2002 12:41 PST i suck to nono i suck even more and still have some records...so just find taht map that you happen to like current recs arent to good (don't start at id1 maps...) and see if you can find an extra shortcut to compensate for those some seconds you loose cuz you ain't got loony bunny skillz...I'm busy on something to now I thought i could never break, now i dont want to do just a 1 sec improvement and trying to get off another getting more confident with your own playing helps a lot to i got e txt file where i write down all my personal records and quite often i just try to improve those times instead of getting frustrated cuz i'm still 10 secs slower then the sda record..then at some point you compare yuour list with the sda recs and you might see some wich are darn close to the record...try get some secs off that and you''l have a winner...pitty that a week after it will be improved by one of the gods by a whole lot..oh well that's live?! |
Verorberaar | Posted - 24 February 2002 12:48 PST i even broke an Illka the other week by 10 secs...ok it was just a ilkka tablefiller and it prolly costed mwe 10x as much effort but still i was quite stoked that after all these years i brake a demo of the man who was the first to realy amaze me playing single player quake and still does |
Verorberaar | Posted - 24 February 2002 13:36 PST damn i just got that NR i was on about...and it's 0.15 quicker then my ER...but it is a very ugly demoand it.s a xx.6 so i geuss i'll need to shave one sec off just like an hour ago..only at that point only had to do it on one skill now on two...aargh trying that same trick over and over again! |
Fr3n | Posted - 24 February 2002 19:28 PST somebody do the NR of czg02. I've tried but I honestly don't have the patience. someone with NH tendencies would probably enjoy it =) |
Morfans | Posted - 25 February 2002 3:40 PST I've tried it a few times but I just can't do it. Getting to the lift to the final area in a good time is quite easy, but the shambler knacks me most of the time, or leaves me without enough health to get to the quad. One day... (BTW. Tim: You had to mention that r1m3 EH2 hole didn't you? That's been annoying me for a year now, Grrrrrr.) |
Morfans | Posted - 25 February 2002 3:43 PST Scut: Don't worry about coming last. I really doubt you'll be slower than me (or Tim if he's going to try it). |
lodis | Posted - 25 February 2002 4:32 PST I can't bunny for the life of me and I have 25 records on sda so don't let that stop you. Especially since I can't even get close to 12.0 at 100m.bsp ;) As tim said, go for the strange runs, or do runs on maps where bunnying isn't an issue(small tight maps). Or find maps where some cool trick is needed.Don't let yourself be discouraged if the trick seems hard, just keep trying. And if you never learn to bunny? so what? As long as speedruns still amuse you then go for it. You're supposed to have fun and enjoy yourself. /thomas |
Ken | Posted - 25 February 2002 12:18 PST ThomasB, u cant get 12.0 in 100m? Damn, I thought you could bunny. Your 'disturb' demos are pretty cool.. But now that I know a man who can't get 12 in 100m did them, I might even try! :P .. No, seriously, you've done some pretty cool demos, and your bunnies don't seem bad. To all of those who complain that can't bunny: Just practise, watch that teaching demo on e1m6 or something.. hell, I should record one. :P We live, as we dream - alone. |
Daniel. A | Posted - 25 February 2002 15:40 PST teaching demo? "my bunnies are non existent" |
Daniel. A | Posted - 25 February 2002 15:51 PST just tried 100m... 12.2 was the best i got in like 25 tries :( teach me, i must be doing something wrong... or maybe its my fps? |
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