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Author | Topic |
Hanz | Posted - 14 September 2002 8:57 PST Why even SDA had to 'celebrate' 9/11? It's not like Stubby's dad died there. So why not remember the civilians killed by US soldiers in Vietnam or Iraq, even though they were a lot more in numbers? In WTC died what, 3500 people? That's a laughable number, when you take a look at history. This was pretty amusing to read. I know, history is written by the winners... Edited by - Hanz on 9/14/2002 8:59:05 AM |
Stubby | Posted - 14 September 2002 9:50 PST *sigh* - The axe swinging master - |
mineraal | Posted - 14 September 2002 10:05 PST * sigh * indeed. People stood still by the deaths of the golf war.. but that wasn't last year was it?? And vietnam wasn't exactly yesterday either, was it? Could we please stand still by this moment ?? It's ONLY a year ago, and it feels like yesterday when I saw them collapse. And with that, I believe that vietnam was remembered upto 10 years after, every year again. I think that this flag on SDA is a good thing. And why not ?? Stubby now had a reason to tell us in an update there where no new demos, thanks for the info chap! ;P |
Hanz | Posted - 14 September 2002 11:53 PST Ok, so Vietnam and Iraq are too old for you? Well, lets remember the civilians who died as USA attacked Afghanistan. Surely, USA had a 'reason' to attack there since Afghanistan government was hiding terrorists, but the civilians were totally innocent. Just like the ones in WTC. Oh well, now USA gets their gas pipes in Afghanistan and we can wave their flag all over the world. Yippee.. Oh yeah, people quickly forgot about Kosovo too, even though thousands of civilians died there not so long ago. But who should care about these 'lower people', right? So, in response to your *sigh*s, let me *sigh* right back at you. Ignorance is a bliss, they say. |
Max Rebo | Posted - 14 September 2002 13:18 PST Oh, brother, not the old pipeline through Afghanistan scheme again, to your credit you're not blaming CIA for the WTC bombing at least. And I won't even comment on your Kosovo stance, have you already forgotten the Serbs were the ones responsible for the ethnic cleansing and war in Kosovo? If you'd said "civilians in Jugoslavia" you'd at least have _some_ credibility. Ignorance is bliss indeed. Edited by - Max Rebo on 9/14/2002 1:23:56 PM |
Hanz | Posted - 15 September 2002 12:00 PST >>have you already forgotten the Serbs were the ones responsible for the ethnic cleansing and war in Kosovo? Of course not, where did I claim otherwise? The point, which you missed, was that thousands of civilians died there and nobody remembered them. In that light, all the fuzz around WTF victims seems totally ridiculous, almost bizarre. >>If you'd said "civilians in Jugoslavia" you'd at least have _some_ credibility. >>Ignorance is bliss indeed. Edited by - Hanz on 9/15/2002 12:04:40 PM |
Hanz | Posted - 15 September 2002 13:47 PST MMhhhmh, you didn't have to take it so personally, Stubby. I'm just generally so tired of *all* media touting about this WTC stuff, and now even SDA, so I just had to say something. It's not like this was the only place where I'm whining about the same thing ;) Edited by - Hanz on 9/15/2002 1:50:50 PM |
Stubby | Posted - 15 September 2002 13:59 PST If you had read my update properly, then you'd have noticed that it wasn't because of the flag update I've decided to stop, but because of all the bullshit I've been listening to since I started updating SDA, this flag issue was just the thing that made the bottle break so to speak. I just had to get it out of my system. I know my update may sound a bit misleading (thanks Jesse!), but this was the way I felt when I wrote the update, and I still feel that way. Writing things down is good therapy, writing things down and make them public available is even better therapy :-) But I don't have anything to hold against you Hanz, you just spoke your own opinion which you are allowed to, just as well as I am. - The axe swinging master - |
Nagasaki | Posted - 16 September 2002 5:41 PST Hanz: >> This was pretty amusing to read. Indeed, pretty amusing. Why don't you think a few hours about all these poor Nazi's that got killed during WW2? I could post ten thousand tons of material which would make more sense, but this is not worth a discussion and such I'll leave it at this small sarcastic note. *** |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 27 September 2002 17:29 PST test
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 27 September 2002 17:42 PST I have wandered this for along times: I fyou think Usa you think choppers and yankee chopper pilots who speak in oneliners all the time, if a disaster of this scale happen authority could easily arrange even without having to cliam them just put the damn mayor on tv arrange landing sites on surrounding buoldings and ofcourse you get one of them blimbs circling arround the towers with a big banner "go to the roof" and then pick m up. There wasnt to much smoke for it.. and if there was try long cables hanging from choppers..at least try to think of something...there must be a big fat warehouse with carton (is that the word?like brownsolid paperish) boxes and pile m up like those stuntman do..:) they are already jumping anyways so you can take all risc'sthe ist one stood for 1:40 i believe? but i do realise panic and or astonishment was big but government should be above that that's their job..they probably just tried to follow somekind of pretoughht disasterscedule wich just wasnt appropiate. and i wandered couldnt people have made parachutes out of the carpets or something? thought of that after i saw the "flying man" on tele :) leanardo da vinci would have came out alive.... man i don't checked once if i typed write
tim | Posted - 27 September 2002 22:34 PST the above post to me just sums up that all the jokes in the new Austin Powers movie about the Dutch are all well founded :) I was reading it and just got lost. "There are only 2 things i can't stand in this world, 1: people who are intolerant of other cultures, and 2: The dutch" |
mineraal | Posted - 28 September 2002 2:53 PST we dutch are so damn inovant.. ;) |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 29 September 2002 1:51 PST If it werent for the dutch New Zealand would still be aboriginal only... well ok tasmania woul have...what's the difference? i wasnt blaming anyone btw exceptional circumstances mostly ask for exceptional solutions and from exceptional circumstances you can learn more then from regular days not even claiming that i though of those things at the time even me was kinda in a "omg mood"
tim | Posted - 29 September 2002 5:15 PST dammit .. the aborignal people live in Australia ... I'm not from there .. :) And yes your people did sail down here .. but even if they hadn't the british still came along and fixed things up, all your people did was name a few bits of water :P |
mineraal | Posted - 29 September 2002 6:36 PST And those names where wonderful!!! :P |
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