Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
Author Topic
verorbebPosted - 25 August 2003 10:14 PST
so where can i find the stats of the chopped project?! (i did e4m7 in the past)
StubbyPosted - 25 August 2003 10:19 PST
I'm still preparing the page for the projects, so please be patient.

- The Axe Basher -

StubbyPosted - 25 August 2003 10:23 PST
Could you send that e4m7 demo to me if you still have it?

- The Axe Basher -

verorbebPosted - 25 August 2003 11:54 PST
dont have it anymore. I could do it again though
but maybe it would be better to wait untill i know the stats to start with?

i remember someone was insane enough to do e2m4 (fiend push to get on the ridge to get the 3 buttons), right?

StubbyPosted - 25 August 2003 12:19 PST
Yep, Ilkka did that one. It's quite improvable though if you can perform the fiend pushes at the end of the map...

- The Axe Basher -

verorbebPosted - 26 August 2003 3:00 PST
pushes? i thought one was enough?
StubbyPosted - 26 August 2003 4:07 PST
It might be if you can turn fast enough in the air, I haven't tried to experiment with it yet, but I think it's doable. Ilkka used two pushes in his demo.

- The Axe Basher -

verorbebPosted - 26 August 2003 11:22 PST
AAAAAhhhhhhh! I c now, i thought the ledge was goin on even under the buttons to the side. Pfff Illka madness!
StubbyPosted - 29 August 2003 7:00 PST
I've opened two new threads here. One for Quake done Chopped and one for Scourge done 100% Quick lite.

- The Axe Basher -

Edited by - Stubby on 8/29/2003 7:05:44 AM

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