Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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VerorberaarPosted - 14 January 2002 5:48 PST
I once played quake (yes i went to the toilet from time to time) from the mokment i woke up (4 in the afternoon) until i found ou that i had to schhool,was already to late, was already finished, should already be there again was finished already again and then till 4 o clock at night....yes 24+24+12=60 hours...

oh yes i live in Holland geuss i smoked about 5 grams of fine weed drank 3 x 1,5 liters of coke 2 packs of cookies and i ordered a pizza...oh and i failed school that year:))

VerorberaarPosted - 14 January 2002 5:50 PST
Oh that was playing Nqctf..with fasthook(thiis makes the game so great) dmm3 no quad no penta and only occasionally runes (the settings!) andwhen at 6 am the server was empty i dud some speedrunning for some hours until ppl joined the server again (wwich i monitored using a spy ofcourse:))
VerorberaarPosted - 14 January 2002 6:04 PST
I do think it's much less intense to multiplay for ages then to keep speedrunning for so long (especially when it's not working out and your trying the same shit over and over) at some points my hand start to hurt (the keyboard one, dont suffer from my trackball hand at anytime..only when i would use a mouse i would get that again) from trying to do decent bunnies. with dm or ctf i actualy only do speedpreserver or an occasional bunny to an item (like ra in dm1)
timPosted - 14 January 2002 15:17 PST
some huge claims coming in here .. but no proof .. i think in future if anyone is planning such a marathon of marathons playing session then please record it for us so there is proof :) and make sure you have a few hundred megs .. or a gig or 2 of space to hold the .dem file ;0
minwaterPosted - 15 January 2002 4:54 PST
Isn't life wonderfull ? hey.. verorberaar,, waar woon je eigenlijk.. misschien moeten we eens samen naar de shop ofzo .. =] As a matter of fact, I'm gonna go to the coffeeshop right now!!! STONED !!!
minwaterPosted - 15 January 2002 4:55 PST
ok.. sorry.. that was rather annoying..
Fr3nPosted - 15 January 2002 7:31 PST
minwaterPosted - 16 January 2002 3:37 PST

Ilkka KurkelaPosted - 16 January 2002 8:01 PST
hahah... Some frigging years ago I was at this beer-hut with my friends (Matti & Juho & J-J). We were doing nothing but drinking loads of alcohol, and playing quake. The greatest DM session was like this:
1) warmup of dm6, fraglimit 300
2) Re0l contest one: dm4, fraglimit 999
3) Re0l contest two: dm4, fraglimit 999
4) some CHAINSAW -action in zer1m1 for several hours (and being mauled by rottweilers)
5) doing funny tricks on start map

Check the whole story at

I cannot calculate the exact hours or anything, but it sure did take a _long_ time.

Man, that was a great summer!(?)Fr3nPosted - 16 January 2002 8:12 PST

<--- Fr3nminwaterPosted - 20 January 2002 7:35 PST
Let me tell you this, drugs and quake don't go together.. I had mushrooms once and played quake along it. I'll tell you, Jozsef wears a bunny suit! ;PKenPosted - 20 January 2002 9:04 PST
Ilkka, that ParadoX isn't the ParadoX or something that is a MONSTER playing QW nowdays? I've seen some of his demos and the dude gibs people on the air with the rocket launcher.. something truly amazing. Or maybe the guy I saw was Paradoks? Hrm.. oh well.JozsefPosted - 20 January 2002 13:08 PST
Well ok, I do. I wear it but not often :)
And anyways, MiNwAtEr dresses usually as a big mineralwater bottle!! ;P
lodisPosted - 21 January 2002 2:20 PST
ken, you're thinking of Paradoks. Danish qw star. Apparently he's a moron :) Most qw players who know him seem to dislike him, but noone can dispute his skills, he has a botlike shaft. There are other players at the same skill level. The clan Flaming Fist (doesn't exist anymore) springs to my mind. They dominated the north european qw scene for 2 years and lost only a few matches. FDE has 2 cool avis showing off some mad qw skills...I recommend everyone to have a look.

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