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Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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Fr3nPosted - 27 January 2002 8:09 PST
Music that only functions when you're in an altered state is like a woman who's only pretty when you're really drunk. =)
VerorberaarPosted - 27 January 2002 11:16 PST
i would say that's end of discussion says it all
MorfansPosted - 27 January 2002 11:17 PST
LOL. How very true. :-)

Is that the voice of experience talking?

"I've never been to bed with an ugly woman, but I've woken up with a few."

minwaterPosted - 27 January 2002 23:30 PST
stub: atmosfeer is dutch for atmosphere ;P

fern: Really, as I said, I am more a slipknot/hed(pe)/watcha/slayer type. But nevermind, I forgot what we where talking about anywayz .. . ..

5 tabs... GO THREAD!

- (c) Mineraal Water 2002 -
35% reduction on cave insurance deductibles!

JozsefPosted - 2 February 2002 11:43 PST
Sorry, it was a typo. I meant an 'almost-naked-pic' =)
RadixPosted - 2 February 2002 18:26 PST
So you weren't wearing any pants when the picture was taken?
Daniel. APosted - 3 February 2002 4:42 PST
wouldn't you like to know, Nolan ;)
RadixPosted - 3 February 2002 12:28 PST
I just want to verify that Jozsef isn't a lieing SoB!
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