Luc de Mestre



Map - Name Time Date Type
r2m4 - Curse of Osiris 1:36 2004-08-14 2-player Easy run
avatar - Avatar 3:58 2004-12-31 2-player Easy run
frcastl2 - Bob 0:07 2004-08-28 2-player Easy run
jawbreak - Jawbreaker 1:47 2004-10-23 2-player Easy run
ksp1 - Libris Vertiginis 1:11 2009-08-01 2-player Easy run
pushcoag - The Vertical Mile 1:14 2003-10-25 2-player Easy run
sm155_negke - Untitled 0:02 2009-08-28 2-player Easy run
spring2 - Spring Cleaning 2 0:04 2005-02-09 2-player Easy run
mexx8 - Prelude to Apocalypse 4:08 2006-02-26 2-player Easy 100%
mexx8b - Mordrigor's Demise 2:21 2006-02-28 2-player Easy 100%
p_se_xxx - Endurance 1:09 2005-08-05 2-player Easy 100%
a3 - The Journey Home 2:25 2005-02-17 2-player Easy 100%
avatar - Avatar 4:35 2004-12-31 2-player Easy 100%
cda - Castle Of The Dark Ages 4:39 2006-02-28 2-player Easy 100%
could - All That Could Have Been 2:32 2005-02-17 2-player Easy 100%
czg_moon - CZG's Moonshot 1:45 2004-12-19 2-player Easy 100%
dethtrap - The Death Trap 1:51 2008-07-08 2-player Easy 100%
doome1m7 - Return To Phobos 1:56 2005-06-29 2-player Easy 100%
hellbrid - The HELLBridge 2:49 2007-05-08 2-player Easy 100%
hellchepsout - Hatchepsout 1:28 2008-02-23 2-player Easy 100%
mbb7 - Missile Bunker Bravo 7 0:49 2005-01-01 2-player Easy 100%
mexx7 - A Bishop's Bane 3:33 2005-03-04 2-player Easy 100%
n3sp03 - At The Gates Of Midian 3:45 2005-03-01 2-player Easy 100%
nastrond - Nastrond 3:29 2006-03-03 2-player Easy 100%
nesp16 - R_speeds Be Damned! 3:02 2005-03-12 2-player Easy 100%
pb2 - The Soul Grinder 1:53 2008-07-08 2-player Easy 100%
pushcoag - The Vertical Mile 1:24 2003-10-24 2-player Easy 100%
q1tm3_hrim_V2 - Raisins In A Box 2:37 2007-05-12 2-player Easy 100%
scoop - Scoop Of Chaos 1:41 2005-07-09 2-player Easy 100%
sm24_aard - Screeeeeetch!!! 2:17 2005-06-28 2-player Easy 100%
sm51_czg - Necropolisish 0:51 2007-05-08 2-player Easy 100%
sm103_zwiffle - The Fall Of Quake 1:26 2007-05-08 2-player Easy 100%
sm135_ankh - Different Reality 0:46 2008-04-24 2-player Easy 100%
tcentral - Teleportation Central 1:58 2008-02-24 2-player Easy 100%
tfl - The Forgotten Level 2:36 2006-03-01 2-player Easy 100%
dmc1m6 - Endif 0:03 2004-04-03 2-player Nightmare run
frcastl2 - Bob 0:07 2004-08-28 2-player Nightmare run
m_palace - The Cobalt Palace 0:59 2004-04-30 2-player Nightmare run
sadlark7 - Sadlark7 1:01 2004-11-24 2-player Nightmare run
sm155_negke - Untitled 0:02 2009-08-28 2-player Nightmare run
spring2 - Spring Cleaning 2 0:04 2005-02-09 2-player Nightmare run
tcentral - Teleportation Central 1:11 2008-02-22 2-player Nightmare run
tyrcoag - Outside In 0:41 2004-08-07 2-player Nightmare run
zooloo - Zooloo-Mooloo 0:18 2010-01-02 2-player Nightmare run
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 1:37 2005-01-26 2-player Nightmare 100%
a3 - The Journey Home 2:26 2005-02-17 2-player Nightmare 100%
armorgod - Armour Of God 3:26 2005-08-11 2-player Nightmare 100%
could - All That Could Have Been 4:19 2005-02-19 2-player Nightmare 100%
deja - Dimension Of The Diminished 1:32 2008-07-08 2-player Nightmare 100%
doome1m7 - Return To Phobos 2:43 2005-06-29 2-player Nightmare 100%
fr3n1m3 - Necromanicide 2:05 2006-03-03 2-player Nightmare 100%
hellbrid - The HELLBridge 4:07 2007-05-12 2-player Nightmare 100%
imp1sp2 - House Of Spikes 2:41 2005-07-10 2-player Nightmare 100%
m_palace - The Cobalt Palace 1:22 2004-04-30 2-player Nightmare 100%
mbb7 - Missile Bunker Bravo 7 0:51 2005-01-01 2-player Nightmare 100%
mexx7 - A Bishop's Bane 4:17 2005-03-05 2-player Nightmare 100%
n3sp03 - At The Gates Of Midian 6:14 2005-03-01 2-player Nightmare 100%
nesp10 - Embers Of Cruelty 2:20 2005-01-14 2-player Nightmare 100%
r_noname - Untitled 0:20 2009-08-10 2-player Nightmare 100%
sadlark7 - Sadlark7 2:26 2004-11-24 2-player Nightmare 100%
ssnw - Dude, Where's My Sewage? 1:04 2008-07-09 2-player Nightmare 100%
tcentral - Teleportation Central 2:20 2008-02-24 2-player Nightmare 100%
terror - The Terracotta Terror 1:37 2004-10-17 2-player Nightmare 100%
tfl - The Forgotten Level 3:41 2006-03-01 2-player Nightmare 100%
well - The Well Of Lost Souls 2:56 2006-03-01 2-player Nightmare 100%
dmc1m6 - Endif 0:02 2004-04-07 3-player Easy run
dmc1m6 - Endif 0:02 2004-04-07 3-player Nightmare run
shafted - Shafted 10:22 2004-08-24 4-player Nightmare 100%

Old Runs

Map - Name Time Date Type
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:58 2004-10-28 Easy run
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:54 2004-10-28 Easy run
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:52 2004-10-28 Easy run
cappuccino_v2 - Cappuccino 3:26 2004-12-19 Easy 100%
cappuccino_v2 - Cappuccino 3:12 2004-12-19 Easy 100%
cappuccino_v2 - Cappuccino 3:10 2004-12-20 Easy 100%
cappuccino_v2 - Cappuccino 3:03 2004-12-21 Easy 100%
cappuccino_v2 - Cappuccino 2:57 2004-12-21 Easy 100%
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 1:08 2004-10-28 Nightmare run
could - All That Could Have Been 7:16 2004-07-01 Nightmare 100%
royalwar - The Royal Warriors 2:23 2004-05-07 Nightmare 100%
royalwar - The Royal Warriors 2:21 2004-05-18 Nightmare 100%
royalwar - The Royal Warriors 2:15 2004-05-26 Nightmare 100%
sm19_xenon - Level Of Evil Fire And Death ... 2:57 2005-06-01 Nightmare 100%
r1m2 - Dread Portal 1:28 2004-08-16 2-player Easy run
r1m2 - Dread Portal 1:26 2005-08-10 2-player Easy run
r1m2 - Dread Portal 1:25 2005-08-10 2-player Easy run
r2m2 - Elemental Fury I 0:57 2004-08-16 2-player Easy run
r2m2 - Elemental Fury I 0:52 2004-08-16 2-player Easy run
r2m3 - Elemental Fury II 1:23 2004-08-15 2-player Easy run
r2m3 - Elemental Fury II 1:11 2004-08-15 2-player Easy run
r2m4 - Curse of Osiris 1:45 2004-08-14 2-player Easy run
r2m5 - Wizard's Keep 1:16 2004-08-16 2-player Easy run
r2m5 - Wizard's Keep 1:14 2004-08-16 2-player Easy run
r2m6 - Blood Sacrifice 2:10 2004-08-15 2-player Easy run
r2m6 - Blood Sacrifice 2:07 2004-08-15 2-player Easy run
r2m7 - Last Bastion 0:51 2004-08-15 2-player Easy run
r2m7 - Last Bastion 0:50 2004-08-15 2-player Easy run
mexx8 - Prelude to Apocalypse 2:58 2006-02-26 2-player Easy run
mexx9c - Last Line of Defence 1:16 2004-08-30 2-player Easy run
mexx9d - Domino's Castle 3:10 2004-08-30 2-player Easy run
mexx9d - Domino's Castle 2:59 2004-08-30 2-player Easy run
mexx10 - Cassandra Calamity 1:19 2005-03-11 2-player Easy run
mexx10 - Cassandra Calamity 1:17 2005-03-11 2-player Easy run
mexx10b - End of an Epic 1:15 2004-11-07 2-player Easy run
p_se_xxx - Endurance 1:09 2005-08-04 2-player Easy run
pse - All of Prodigy 2:49 2004-09-19 2-player Easy run (Marathon)
black3 - Underground Installation 1:09 2004-10-03 2-player Easy run
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 0:21 2005-01-19 2-player Easy run
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 0:20 2005-01-21 2-player Easy run
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 0:17 2005-01-29 2-player Easy run
a3 - The Journey Home 0:41 2005-02-17 2-player Easy run
a3 - The Journey Home 0:31 2005-02-18 2-player Easy run
abw - All Black Within 1:26 2004-04-28 2-player Easy run
avatar - Avatar 4:14 2004-12-31 2-player Easy run
ballshft - A Few Balls 'n' a Couple of Shafts 0:14 2004-11-26 2-player Easy run
ballshft - A Few Balls 'n' a Couple of Shafts 0:13 2004-11-26 2-player Easy run
bnt2 - The Hallowed Halls 1:16 2004-09-15 2-player Easy run
bnt2 - The Hallowed Halls 1:13 2004-09-15 2-player Easy run
cjhsp1 - The Katagean Redoubt 0:55 2008-07-09 2-player Easy run
colony - The Colony 0:18 2003-10-30 2-player Easy run
colony - The Colony 0:17 2004-03-19 2-player Easy run
colony - The Colony 0:16 2004-04-06 2-player Easy run
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 0:32 2004-08-30 2-player Easy run
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 0:31 2004-08-31 2-player Easy run
digs03 - Digs03 0:09 2007-05-08 2-player Easy run
dm1m2 - Stronghold Of Battereds 0:42 2004-08-18 2-player Easy run
elin - Feels Like Flying 0:07 2004-10-23 2-player Easy run
fire - Fireworld 0:33 2004-08-28 2-player Easy run
fire - Fireworld 0:32 2004-08-29 2-player Easy run
flyer - The Hanger 0:12 2004-08-29 2-player Easy run
funrun - The Fun Run 0:31 2004-03-20 2-player Easy run
funrun - The Fun Run 0:28 2004-03-26 2-player Easy run
gordian - Gordian's Brick 1:17 2004-08-12 2-player Easy run
hc - The Hidden Castle 0:32 2004-08-12 2-player Easy run
heresp1 - Hyperevolt 0:17 2005-04-28 2-player Easy run
hhouse - Fall Cleaning 1:05 2006-02-18 2-player Easy run
hunter - Demon Hunter 0:48 2004-07-27 2-player Easy run
hunter - Demon Hunter 0:46 2004-08-30 2-player Easy run
jailbrk - Jailbreak 1:13 2004-10-21 2-player Easy run
jesus - Jesus Wants You 0:16 2004-11-13 2-player Easy run
jjspq2 - Unseen Assailant 0:40 2004-07-20 2-player Easy run
klz100b2 - Shadows 0:19 2005-12-28 2-player Easy run
ksp1 - Libris Vertiginis 1:12 2009-08-01 2-player Easy run
m_palace - The Cobalt Palace 0:46 2004-04-30 2-player Easy run
mexx6 - Suicide Staccato 1:23 2004-11-10 2-player Easy run
mexx6 - Suicide Staccato 1:20 2004-11-11 2-player Easy run
mortal - The Mortal Environment 0:23 2005-01-08 2-player Easy run
mortal - The Mortal Environment 0:22 2005-01-08 2-player Easy run
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:31 2004-10-28 2-player Easy run
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:28 2004-10-28 2-player Easy run
pushcoag - The Vertical Mile 1:17 2003-10-24 2-player Easy run
r_noname - Untitled 0:15 2009-08-10 2-player Easy run
real - Far Beyond Reality 0:42 2003-10-31 2-player Easy run
sadlark7 - Sadlark7 0:48 2004-11-17 2-player Easy run
shoot - Shoot 0:12 2004-08-25 2-player Easy run
shoot - Shoot 0:11 2004-08-25 2-player Easy run
sm19_xenon - Level Of Evil Fire And Death ... 0:57 2005-06-01 2-player Easy run
sm27_xenon - Runic Delight 0:18 2004-06-28 2-player Easy run
sm28 - Structured Chaos 0:44 2008-02-22 2-player Easy run
tcentral - Teleportation Central 1:09 2008-02-22 2-player Easy run
thecrypt - The UnderHalls 0:38 2004-10-30 2-player Easy run
tod - Tower Of Death 0:09 2004-11-06 2-player Easy run
tower - Tower Of Thunder 0:11 2004-11-24 2-player Easy run
warehaus - Warehouse 0:46 2006-02-28 2-player Easy run
zooloo - Zooloo-Mooloo 0:17 2010-01-02 2-player Easy run
e1m8 - Ziggurat Vertigo 0:37 2004-05-05 2-player Easy 100%
e1m8 - Ziggurat Vertigo 0:36 2004-05-05 2-player Easy 100%
e1m8 - Normal Gravity 0:35 2004-05-10 2-player Easy 100%
e1m8 - Normal Gravity 0:34 2004-05-10 2-player Easy 100%
e4m8 - The Nameless City 2:20 2004-09-18 2-player Easy 100%
e4m8 - The Nameless City 2:09 2004-09-18 2-player Easy 100%
e4m8 - The Nameless City 2:06 2004-09-18 2-player Easy 100%
bbsecret - These deepest feelings 1:22 2005-02-18 2-player Easy 100%
mexx10 - Cassandra Calamity 2:47 2006-02-26 2-player Easy 100%
mexx10b - End of an Epic 2:11 2004-11-07 2-player Easy 100%
terra1 - Schumann Resonance 1:19 2005-02-18 2-player Easy 100%
terra2 - Dead On Arrival 1:01 2005-01-19 2-player Easy 100%
terra2 - Dead On Arrival 0:56 2005-01-19 2-player Easy 100%
terra3 - Shotgun Experiment 1 1:09 2005-01-21 2-player Easy 100%
terra4 - 3/4 Latent Quarter 1:40 2005-07-20 2-player Easy 100%
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 1:15 2005-01-21 2-player Easy 100%
terra6 - Torture Department 1:12 2005-01-21 2-player Easy 100%
dazsp2b - Arabian Nights 1:31 2004-11-25 2-player Easy 100%
dazsp2b - Arabian Nights 1:27 2004-11-25 2-player Easy 100%
dm6sp - The Dark Zone 0:35 2004-09-16 2-player Easy 100%
d6 - Path to light 1:37 2008-04-22 2-player Easy 100%
dmc1m2 - Acrophobia 0:32 2004-04-08 2-player Easy 100%
dmc1m3 - Bloodrun 0:19 2004-04-05 2-player Easy 100%
dmc1m4 - DeutschMaschine 0:41 2004-10-22 2-player Easy 100%
dmc1m6 - Endif 1:18 2004-04-03 2-player Easy 100%
dmc1m6 - Endif 1:15 2004-04-07 2-player Easy 100%
180 - 180 1:05 2004-10-16 2-player Easy 100%
180 - 180 1:01 2004-11-10 2-player Easy 100%
180 - 180 1:00 2004-11-11 2-player Easy 100%
abw - All Black Within 1:47 2004-04-09 2-player Easy 100%
badland1 - Badlands 1 1:17 2005-01-08 2-player Easy 100%
blister - Blister 0:51 2005-06-29 2-player Easy 100%
blister2 - Blister 2 1:26 2005-07-02 2-player Easy 100%
bnt2 - The Hallowed Halls 1:25 2004-09-15 2-player Easy 100%
cappuccino_v2 - Cappuccino 2:09 2004-12-31 2-player Easy 100%
cappuccino_v2 - Cappuccino 2:01 2004-12-31 2-player Easy 100%
cappuccino_v2 - Cappuccino 1:57 2005-01-01 2-player Easy 100%
catacomb - The Catacombs 0:40 2004-11-20 2-player Easy 100%
cbfspq2 - The Temple Of Gaia 0:36 2004-08-06 2-player Easy 100%
chain3 - Indigo 1:29 2003-11-15 2-player Easy 100%
chessp1 - Shrine Of Skank 0:47 2006-03-01 2-player Easy 100%
coagula - Coagula 1:07 2004-11-05 2-player Easy 100%
coagula3 - Bone 1:56 2003-10-25 2-player Easy 100%
coagula3 - Bone 1:43 2003-10-29 2-player Easy 100%
coagula3 - Bone 1:41 2004-09-30 2-player Easy 100%
con1 - By Contocon 0:18 2004-04-13 2-player Easy 100%
con1 - By Contocon 0:17 2004-04-25 2-player Easy 100%
crypt - The Black Crypt 1:09 2005-01-29 2-player Easy 100%
czg_moon - CZG's Moonshot 1:46 2004-12-19 2-player Easy 100%
damaul3b - Suicide Nation 0:46 2004-04-17 2-player Easy 100%
deja - Dimension Of The Diminished 0:57 2008-07-08 2-player Easy 100%
deso - House Of Desolution 1:15 2005-01-16 2-player Easy 100%
disgrace - Base Of Disgrace 0:41 2005-01-15 2-player Easy 100%
dwell - The Dwelling 1:08 2004-09-30 2-player Easy 100%
earth - Earthworld 1:28 2005-08-08 2-player Easy 100%
ebony1 - Ebony 0:53 2004-12-21 2-player Easy 100%
elin - Feels Like Flying 0:11 2004-08-07 2-player Easy 100%
em1 - The Wherehouse 0:44 2005-02-18 2-player Easy 100%
empire - Welcome to the Empire 1:49 2004-09-16 2-player Easy 100%
erotique - Horror Erotique 1:08 2004-11-14 2-player Easy 100%
evilpool - The Evil Pool 0:45 2004-04-13 2-player Easy 100%
evilpool - The Evil Pool 0:43 2004-04-13 2-player Easy 100%
evilwrld - Evil World I 1:13 2004-12-05 2-player Easy 100%
fc - The Forsaken Citadel 1:09 2004-11-26 2-player Easy 100%
fire - Fireworld 0:51 2004-11-07 2-player Easy 100%
flyer - The Hanger 0:22 2004-08-30 2-player Easy 100%
fmb100 - A Roaming Wildebeest in Spain 3:53 2005-03-02 2-player Easy 100%
forrit - Forgotten Ritual 0:27 2004-12-21 2-player Easy 100%
fr3n1m3 - Necromanicide 1:04 2006-03-03 2-player Easy 100%
frcastl2 - Bob 0:28 2004-11-24 2-player Easy 100%
funrun - The Fun Run 0:58 2004-03-20 2-player Easy 100%
funrun - The Fun Run 0:57 2004-03-21 2-player Easy 100%
gibplex - The Gibplex 0:48 2004-07-23 2-player Easy 100%
gibplex - The Gibplex 0:46 2004-07-23 2-player Easy 100%
gor1 - Gods Of Rapture 1:54 2005-06-28 2-player Easy 100%
gordian - Gordian's Brick 1:40 2004-08-12 2-player Easy 100%
hallway - Optic's Dumb Hallway Map 0:32 2004-08-06 2-player Easy 100%
hallway - Optic's Dumb Hallway Map 0:31 2004-08-07 2-player Easy 100%
hayduke1 - Ephemerality 0:37 2004-04-16 2-player Easy 100%
hc - The Hidden Castle 0:39 2004-09-15 2-player Easy 100%
hellbase - The Hell Base 1:38 2005-07-06 2-player Easy 100%
heresp1 - Hyperevolt 0:39 2006-03-01 2-player Easy 100%
hhouse - Fall Cleaning 1:41 2006-02-25 2-player Easy 100%
hobr - Halls Of Broken Records 2:47 2006-02-25 2-player Easy 100%
houstrps - House Of Traps 0:50 2004-10-10 2-player Easy 100%
hunter - Demon Hunter 2:08 2005-06-28 2-player Easy 100%
imp1sp2 - House Of Spikes 1:43 2005-07-09 2-player Easy 100%
jailbrk - Jailbreak 1:37 2004-10-22 2-player Easy 100%
jesus - Jesus Wants You 0:50 2004-11-13 2-player Easy 100%
jjspq1 - Vigil Of The Night 2:14 2005-07-09 2-player Easy 100%
jjspq2 - Unseen Assailant 1:14 2004-07-20 2-player Easy 100%
klz100b2 - Shadows 0:26 2005-12-28 2-player Easy 100%
m_palace - The Cobalt Palace 0:54 2004-04-30 2-player Easy 100%
maniac11 - Maniac11 0:50 2004-10-29 2-player Easy 100%
mcm01 - Curse Of The Pharoah 1:16 2004-10-20 2-player Easy 100%
mexx1 - The Entrance 0:40 2004-11-06 2-player Easy 100%
mexx2 - The Sanctum 0:22 2004-11-03 2-player Easy 100%
mexx3 - Chthon's Castle 2:01 2004-10-09 2-player Easy 100%
mexx4 - Nurgle's Vault 2:14 2006-02-28 2-player Easy 100%
mexx6 - Suicide Staccato 1:51 2004-11-10 2-player Easy 100%
misery - No Campers Palace, Die with ... 0:27 2005-04-14 2-player Easy 100%
mortal - The Mortal Environment 0:50 2005-01-08 2-player Easy 100%
msrj - Manslay's Rocketjumping 0:27 2005-08-10 2-player Easy 100%
mymap - Mymap 1:48 2004-10-17 2-player Easy 100%
mymap - Mymap 1:41 2004-10-18 2-player Easy 100%
n3sp03 - At The Gates Of Midian 3:55 2005-02-17 2-player Easy 100%
n3sp03_2 - Midian - Entryway 0:57 2005-03-03 2-player Easy 100%
nesp10 - Embers Of Cruelty 1:19 2005-01-13 2-player Easy 100%
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 1:11 2004-10-31 2-player Easy 100%
ouver - Ouverture 0:50 2005-07-10 2-player Easy 100%
ouver - Ouverture 0:47 2005-07-12 2-player Easy 100%
pagan3 - The Pagan Temple 0:22 2004-04-09 2-player Easy 100%
pagan3 - The Pagan Temple 0:21 2004-04-10 2-player Easy 100%
pb1 - Darkness Diabolical 1:30 2005-01-09 2-player Easy 100%
polygon2 - Polygon Base 1:40 2005-08-04 2-player Easy 100%
prison - Prison 0:40 2004-04-16 2-player Easy 100%
pushcoag - The Vertical Mile 1:33 2003-10-24 2-player Easy 100%
r_noname - Untitled 0:21 2009-08-10 2-player Easy 100%
real - Far Beyond Reality 1:30 2003-10-31 2-player Easy 100%
real - Far Beyond Reality 1:23 2003-11-02 2-player Easy 100%
rettear - Retinal Tear 1:29 2004-04-18 2-player Easy 100%
rit2 - Escape The Castle 1:33 2005-01-23 2-player Easy 100%
royalwar - The Royal Warriors 1:07 2003-10-26 2-player Easy 100%
royalwar - The Royal Warriors 1:01 2003-10-31 2-player Easy 100%
sadlark7 - Sadlark7 1:34 2004-11-24 2-player Easy 100%
sgodrun2 - Tale Of Abbot's Rune 3:12 2005-07-17 2-player Easy 100%
sgodrun2 - Tale Of Abbot's Rune 2:41 2005-07-17 2-player Easy 100%
sm24_aard - Screeeeeetch!!! 2:39 2005-06-28 2-player Easy 100%
sm27_xenon - Runic Delight 0:35 2004-06-28 2-player Easy 100%
sm56_czg - Gamespot Are Cunts! 0:48 2005-06-28 2-player Easy 100%
sm56_czg - Gamespot Are Cunts! 0:46 2005-06-28 2-player Easy 100%
sm57_czg - Like A Rhinestone Hitler 0:58 2005-06-28 2-player Easy 100%
sm103_zwiffle - The Fall Of Quake 1:37 2007-05-08 2-player Easy 100%
spd - Symbiotic Pipe Dream 0:31 2004-11-12 2-player Easy 100%
ssnw - Dude, Where's My Sewage? 0:46 2008-07-09 2-player Easy 100%
terror - The Terracotta Terror 1:27 2004-10-16 2-player Easy 100%
terror - The Terracotta Terror 1:24 2004-10-17 2-player Easy 100%
thecrypt - The UnderHalls 0:42 2004-11-13 2-player Easy 100%
thecrypt - The UnderHalls 0:40 2004-11-13 2-player Easy 100%
theledge - The Ledge 0:32 2005-01-13 2-player Easy 100%
tohnsay - The Tohnsay Predicament 2:02 2005-02-18 2-player Easy 100%
trinity - Trinity 1:17 2005-01-29 2-player Easy 100%
tyrcoag - Outside In 2:09 2004-10-17 2-player Easy 100%
tyrcoag - Outside In 2:04 2004-10-20 2-player Easy 100%
undead - The Undead Task 0:27 2004-08-06 2-player Easy 100%
village - Village Of Dread 2:13 2005-07-15 2-player Easy 100%
warehaus - Warehouse 1:22 2006-02-28 2-player Easy 100%
watrways - Watrways 0:17 2008-02-22 2-player Easy 100%
well - The Well Of Lost Souls 2:50 2006-03-01 2-player Easy 100%
whippet - Eat This 0:19 2005-01-30 2-player Easy 100%
wrld11 - World 1-1 for Quake 0:37 2004-10-23 2-player Easy 100%
wrld11 - World 1-1 for Quake 0:33 2004-10-24 2-player Easy 100%
e1m6 - The Long Way 0:27 2004-08-21 2-player Nightmare run
hip1m5 - Military Complex 0:51 2004-07-22 2-player Nightmare run
hip1m5 - Military Complex 0:49 2004-07-22 2-player Nightmare run
hip2m4 - The Crypt 0:40 2004-07-21 2-player Nightmare run
hip2m4 - The Crypt 0:38 2004-07-21 2-player Nightmare run
bbelief3 - Another fine Mess 0:37 2004-08-23 2-player Nightmare run
mexx10 - Cassandra Calamity 2:21 2005-03-11 2-player Nightmare run
pse - All of Prodigy 3:41 2005-08-12 2-player Nightmare run (Marathon)
black3 - Underground Installation 1:12 2004-10-06 2-player Nightmare run
zer1m1 - Shipping Complex 0:38 2005-03-12 2-player Nightmare run
jzblue_2 - The Chamber 0:09 2004-07-22 2-player Nightmare run
terra4 - 3/4 Latent Quarter 0:16 2005-01-22 2-player Nightmare run
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 0:23 2005-01-19 2-player Nightmare run
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 0:22 2005-01-19 2-player Nightmare run
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 0:21 2005-01-21 2-player Nightmare run
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 0:18 2005-01-24 2-player Nightmare run
a3 - The Journey Home 0:39 2005-02-17 2-player Nightmare run
a3 - The Journey Home 0:37 2005-02-18 2-player Nightmare run
ballshft - A Few Balls 'n' a Couple of Shafts 0:19 2004-08-22 2-player Nightmare run
ballshft - A Few Balls 'n' a Couple of Shafts 0:17 2004-08-22 2-player Nightmare run
ballshft - A Few Balls 'n' a Couple of Shafts 0:15 2004-11-26 2-player Nightmare run
ballshft - A Few Balls 'n' a Couple of Shafts 0:13 2004-11-26 2-player Nightmare run
carnage - Carnage 1:02 2004-08-22 2-player Nightmare run
carnage - Carnage 0:56 2004-08-22 2-player Nightmare run
chain3 - Indigo 0:52 2005-08-11 2-player Nightmare run
cjhsp1 - The Katagean Redoubt 1:08 2008-07-09 2-player Nightmare run
colony - The Colony 0:18 2003-10-31 2-player Nightmare run
colony - The Colony 0:17 2004-03-19 2-player Nightmare run
colony - The Colony 0:16 2004-04-06 2-player Nightmare run
czg03 - Ceremonial Circles 0:52 2004-11-05 2-player Nightmare run
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 0:31 2004-08-31 2-player Nightmare run
digs03 - Digs03 0:09 2007-05-08 2-player Nightmare run
disgrace - Base Of Disgrace 0:45 2005-01-15 2-player Nightmare run
dm1m2 - Stronghold Of Battereds 1:08 2004-08-19 2-player Nightmare run
fire - Fireworld 0:34 2004-08-29 2-player Nightmare run
fire - Fireworld 0:33 2004-08-29 2-player Nightmare run
flyer - The Hanger 0:12 2004-08-29 2-player Nightmare run
frcastl2 - Bob 0:08 2004-08-28 2-player Nightmare run
funrun - The Fun Run 0:31 2004-03-20 2-player Nightmare run
funrun - The Fun Run 0:28 2004-03-26 2-player Nightmare run
hc - The Hidden Castle 0:34 2004-08-12 2-player Nightmare run
hc - The Hidden Castle 0:33 2004-08-13 2-player Nightmare run
heresp1 - Hyperevolt 0:18 2005-04-28 2-player Nightmare run
hhouse - Fall Cleaning 1:34 2006-02-18 2-player Nightmare run
houstrps - House Of Traps 0:31 2004-08-23 2-player Nightmare run
hunter - Demon Hunter 0:48 2004-07-27 2-player Nightmare run
jailbrk - Jailbreak 1:15 2004-10-21 2-player Nightmare run
jailbrk - Jailbreak 1:14 2004-10-22 2-player Nightmare run
jesus - Jesus Wants You 0:31 2004-11-13 2-player Nightmare run
jesus - Jesus Wants You 0:25 2004-11-14 2-player Nightmare run
jjspq2 - Unseen Assailant 0:41 2004-07-20 2-player Nightmare run
jjspq2 - Unseen Assailant 0:40 2004-07-20 2-player Nightmare run
mexx3 - Chthon's Castle 0:44 2004-08-23 2-player Nightmare run
mexx6 - Suicide Staccato 1:34 2004-11-10 2-player Nightmare run
mortal - The Mortal Environment 0:24 2005-01-08 2-player Nightmare run
mortal - The Mortal Environment 0:22 2005-01-08 2-player Nightmare run
nesp16 - R_speeds Be Damned! 0:46 2004-08-10 2-player Nightmare run
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:31 2004-10-28 2-player Nightmare run
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:29 2004-11-01 2-player Nightmare run
ouver - Ouverture 1:00 2005-07-10 2-player Nightmare run
r_noname - Untitled 0:15 2009-08-10 2-player Nightmare run
sadlark7 - Sadlark7 1:08 2004-11-17 2-player Nightmare run
shoot - Shoot 0:15 2004-08-25 2-player Nightmare run
sm27_xenon - Runic Delight 0:18 2004-06-28 2-player Nightmare run
sm28 - Structured Chaos 0:44 2008-02-22 2-player Nightmare run
thecrypt - The UnderHalls 0:40 2004-11-01 2-player Nightmare run
tod - Tower Of Death 0:09 2004-11-06 2-player Nightmare run
ware - Warehouse 0:13 2004-08-07 2-player Nightmare run
warehaus - Warehouse 1:05 2006-02-28 2-player Nightmare run
wrld11 - World 1-1 for Quake 0:21 2004-10-24 2-player Nightmare run
e1m8 - Normal Gravity 1:02 2004-04-08 2-player Nightmare 100%
e1m8 - Normal Gravity 0:56 2004-04-08 2-player Nightmare 100%
e4m1 - The Sewage System 0:54 2004-08-02 2-player Nightmare 100%
e4m1 - The Sewage System 0:53 2004-08-10 2-player Nightmare 100%
e4m2 - The Tower of Despair 1:13 2004-04-11 2-player Nightmare 100%
e4m2 - The Tower of Despair 1:11 2004-04-11 2-player Nightmare 100%
hip3m3 - Limbo 2:22 2004-10-31 2-player Nightmare 100%
hip3m3 - Limbo 2:15 2004-11-01 2-player Nightmare 100%
hip3m3 - Limbo 2:10 2004-11-03 2-player Nightmare 100%
bbelief7 - The Unholy Alliance 1:51 2004-08-23 2-player Nightmare 100%
bbelief7 - The Unholy Alliance 1:31 2004-08-23 2-player Nightmare 100%
jzblue_1 - The Castle 0:26 2004-07-24 2-player Nightmare 100%
terra1 - Schumann Resonance 1:19 2005-02-18 2-player Nightmare 100%
terra2 - Dead On Arrival 1:48 2005-01-29 2-player Nightmare 100%
terra2 - Dead On Arrival 1:26 2005-02-16 2-player Nightmare 100%
dazsp2 - Arabian Nights 0:45 2004-11-25 2-player Nightmare 100%
dmc1m6 - Endif 1:22 2004-04-06 2-player Nightmare 100%
2run5 - 2run5 1:08 2004-12-31 2-player Nightmare 100%
abw - All Black Within 3:13 2004-09-15 2-player Nightmare 100%
aow - Around The World 0:36 2008-04-24 2-player Nightmare 100%
badland1 - Badlands 1 1:30 2005-01-08 2-player Nightmare 100%
blister - Blister 0:51 2005-06-29 2-player Nightmare 100%
blister2 - Blister 2 1:26 2005-07-02 2-player Nightmare 100%
catacomb - The Catacombs 0:40 2004-11-20 2-player Nightmare 100%
chessp1 - Shrine Of Skank 1:12 2006-03-01 2-player Nightmare 100%
con1 - By Contocon 0:17 2004-04-22 2-player Nightmare 100%
crypt - The Black Crypt 1:16 2005-01-29 2-player Nightmare 100%
cult - Cult 0:37 2004-08-28 2-player Nightmare 100%
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 1:19 2004-08-31 2-player Nightmare 100%
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 1:13 2004-08-31 2-player Nightmare 100%
disgrace - Base Of Disgrace 0:58 2005-01-16 2-player Nightmare 100%
dnspq1 - Dark, Blue, Scary 0:34 2004-10-30 2-player Nightmare 100%
e1m1rmx - The Slipgate Duplex 0:54 2004-07-15 2-player Nightmare 100%
e1m1rmx - The Slipgate Duplex 0:52 2004-07-15 2-player Nightmare 100%
earth - Earthworld 1:42 2005-08-08 2-player Nightmare 100%
elin - Feels Like Flying 0:16 2004-08-31 2-player Nightmare 100%
elin - Feels Like Flying 0:15 2004-08-31 2-player Nightmare 100%
em1 - The Wherehouse 0:45 2005-02-18 2-player Nightmare 100%
empire - Welcome to the Empire 2:33 2004-09-17 2-player Nightmare 100%
escape - Escape 1:08 2004-08-10 2-player Nightmare 100%
evilpool - The Evil Pool 0:47 2004-04-13 2-player Nightmare 100%
evilpool - The Evil Pool 0:45 2004-04-21 2-player Nightmare 100%
evilwrld - Evil World I 1:12 2004-12-19 2-player Nightmare 100%
fc - The Forsaken Citadel 1:15 2004-11-26 2-player Nightmare 100%
fc - The Forsaken Citadel 1:09 2004-11-26 2-player Nightmare 100%
forrit - Forgotten Ritual 0:35 2004-12-31 2-player Nightmare 100%
forrit - Forgotten Ritual 0:33 2004-12-31 2-player Nightmare 100%
frcastl2 - Bob 0:28 2004-11-24 2-player Nightmare 100%
funrun - The Fun Run 0:59 2004-03-20 2-player Nightmare 100%
funrun - The Fun Run 0:57 2004-03-21 2-player Nightmare 100%
gibplex - The Gibplex 0:47 2004-07-23 2-player Nightmare 100%
gloin - Abandon All Hope 0:52 2004-07-22 2-player Nightmare 100%
gloin - Abandon All Hope 0:51 2004-07-23 2-player Nightmare 100%
gor1 - Gods Of Rapture 2:24 2005-06-28 2-player Nightmare 100%
hallway - Optic's Dumb Hallway Map 0:32 2004-08-06 2-player Nightmare 100%
hc - The Hidden Castle 0:58 2004-09-15 2-player Nightmare 100%
hc - The Hidden Castle 0:55 2004-09-16 2-player Nightmare 100%
hellbase - The Hell Base 1:36 2005-07-06 2-player Nightmare 100%
heresp1 - Hyperevolt 1:40 2006-03-01 2-player Nightmare 100%
hunter - Demon Hunter 2:28 2005-06-28 2-player Nightmare 100%
jailbrk - Jailbreak 1:39 2004-10-22 2-player Nightmare 100%
jjspq1 - Vigil Of The Night 2:17 2005-07-09 2-player Nightmare 100%
jjspq2 - Unseen Assailant 1:15 2004-07-20 2-player Nightmare 100%
m_palace - The Cobalt Palace 1:24 2004-04-30 2-player Nightmare 100%
maniac11 - Maniac11 0:50 2004-10-29 2-player Nightmare 100%
mexx1 - The Entrance 0:47 2004-11-06 2-player Nightmare 100%
mexx6 - Suicide Staccato 2:03 2004-11-11 2-player Nightmare 100%
misery - No Campers Palace, Die with ... 0:27 2005-04-14 2-player Nightmare 100%
mortal - The Mortal Environment 0:58 2005-01-08 2-player Nightmare 100%
msrj - Manslay's Rocketjumping 0:40 2005-08-10 2-player Nightmare 100%
n3sp03_2 - Midian - Entryway 0:59 2005-03-03 2-player Nightmare 100%
ouver - Ouverture 1:40 2005-07-12 2-player Nightmare 100%
pagan3 - The Pagan Temple 0:21 2004-04-10 2-player Nightmare 100%
pb1 - Darkness Diabolical 1:58 2005-01-12 2-player Nightmare 100%
polygon2 - Polygon Base 2:58 2005-08-04 2-player Nightmare 100%
prison - Prison 0:42 2004-04-12 2-player Nightmare 100%
prison - Prison 0:40 2004-04-16 2-player Nightmare 100%
r_noname - Untitled 0:21 2009-08-10 2-player Nightmare 100%
rit2 - Escape The Castle 1:40 2005-01-29 2-player Nightmare 100%
royalwar - The Royal Warriors 1:25 2003-11-01 2-player Nightmare 100%
royalwar - The Royal Warriors 1:14 2004-08-09 2-player Nightmare 100%
scoop - Scoop Of Chaos 2:16 2005-07-09 2-player Nightmare 100%
sgodrun2 - Tale Of Abbot's Rune 3:46 2005-07-17 2-player Nightmare 100%
shoot - Shoot 0:46 2004-08-25 2-player Nightmare 100%
sm19_xenon - Level Of Evil Fire And Death ... 1:58 2005-06-29 2-player Nightmare 100%
sm24_aard - Screeeeeetch!!! 2:30 2005-06-28 2-player Nightmare 100%
sm27_xenon - Runic Delight 0:36 2004-06-28 2-player Nightmare 100%
sm56_czg - Gamespot Are Cunts! 0:58 2005-06-28 2-player Nightmare 100%
sm56_czg - Gamespot Are Cunts! 0:50 2005-06-28 2-player Nightmare 100%
sm57_czg - Like A Rhinestone Hitler 1:07 2005-06-28 2-player Nightmare 100%
thecrypt - The UnderHalls 1:01 2004-11-13 2-player Nightmare 100%
thecrypt - The UnderHalls 0:59 2004-11-13 2-player Nightmare 100%
theledge - The Ledge 0:32 2005-01-13 2-player Nightmare 100%
tohnsay - The Tohnsay Predicament 2:26 2005-02-18 2-player Nightmare 100%
trinity - Trinity 1:19 2005-01-29 2-player Nightmare 100%
trr - The Ruiner's Revulsion 1:18 2005-08-04 2-player Nightmare 100%
undead - The Undead Task 0:27 2004-08-06 2-player Nightmare 100%
warehaus - Warehouse 1:52 2006-02-28 2-player Nightmare 100%
watrways - Watrways 0:26 2008-02-22 2-player Nightmare 100%
whippet - Eat This 0:19 2005-01-30 2-player Nightmare 100%
wrld11 - World 1-1 for Quake 0:37 2004-10-24 2-player Nightmare 100%
wrld11 - World 1-1 for Quake 0:32 2004-10-24 2-player Nightmare 100%
a3 - The Journey Home 0:26 2005-02-17 3-player Easy run
flyer - The Hanger 0:10 2004-08-30 3-player Easy run
heresp1 - Hyperevolt 0:07 2007-05-12 3-player Easy run
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:23 2004-10-29 3-player Easy run
sm28 - Structured Chaos 0:27 2008-02-22 3-player Easy run
2run5 - 2run5 0:33 2004-08-31 3-player Easy 100%
bbelief3 - Another fine Mess 0:12 2005-01-20 3-player Nightmare run
2run5 - 2run5 0:33 2004-08-31 3-player Nightmare run
a3 - The Journey Home 0:27 2005-02-17 3-player Nightmare run
flyer - The Hanger 0:10 2004-08-30 3-player Nightmare run
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:24 2004-10-29 3-player Nightmare run
sm28 - Structured Chaos 0:27 2008-02-22 3-player Nightmare run

68 records, 432 old runs