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Thursday, 6th December by dex

Laziness is not a crime - 15:14

This update has been shamelessly delayed with the excuses being in order: laziness, lack of time, laziness, net problems yesterday and finally LAZINESS. The update is also remarkable because every of the 4 most active staff members has done at least one demo (or 10). But now that you finally can get to watching the demos from last month, I apologize for the long wait and stop rambling.

Let's start with the episode stuff. Michael Hudson has exposed us to the horror that is rogue, namely the dreaded and feared r1m4. The Easy Run he improved by 1 second was already in his possession, but he did it nevertheless. 42 seconds of evading death mark his return to making demos after, well, a while. :)

Forcing me to do 'gamedir digs01', Flavio Quadros has Ran the realm of d7, and he did it on the Easy difficulty: this 0:46 ER is the result of his courageous running. It's not the end of the digs01 demos for today, but this will be covered later...

Another of the staff members, Richard Skidmore, has noticed that there is a hole in the tables that is there for almost a decade. This revelation has led him to creating a Nightmare Run of black episode, in exactly 7:45, a shameless table filling action. But he didn't just stop there, no! Quite the contrary, it left him pumped up enough to do a Nightmare 100% of the very same episode. Filled with incredibely precise misses and perfectly fluent stuck-ups, this entertaining bit of speedrunning is 11:52 long, 43 seconds better than Tim Doherty.

Basil de Vries did a Nightmare 100% on dmc1m4. The first to happen was this pretty nice 1:37, which is 19 seconds faster than his earlier endeavours on the map. However, being Orbs and all, he first sent us a message, without the demo. Whooops. Then he decided to improve the demo some more and the result is this 1:29, further 8 seconds faster. Learning from his previous mistake with submission, he did THE EXACT SAME THING once again, sending us an empty message first. A monkey would have learned by now ;).

With this stupid joke behind us, time to go back to Flavio again. Using the knowledge imparted unto us by the mighty Grandma of speedrunning, Morfans, he did a Nightmare 100% on gibplex, again in 0:44, this time getting all the kills. 44 seconds faster than Richard.

And finally, the last record in this update that does not feature NahkahiiR. I went back to the very beginnings and made an improvement on the map that is known as hhouse. And I improved the Easy 100% by exactly two seconds to achieve this 1:46. Curse the decimal!

Time for a total antithesis of laziness, at least in the demo making department. Jaakko Alakopsa! He had a part in 10 demos in this update. The first three are a lonely work, single player demos. He took czg_moon as his first target. The Easy 100% by Amrik Kochhar was improved by 32 seconds, this 2:03 being the result. Then, the Nightmare 100% by Justin Fleck was improved using the same means as the EH. This 2:31 improves the earlier record by 54 seconds.

The next target in Nahk's killing spree was his own Easy 100% of q1tm3_hrim2_V2. It's name may be long, but this new 1:39 certainly is not. 10 seconds shorter than the earlier demo.

And finally, the coops. A lot of them. Mostly created by two men (at least according to the official info ;)): Aleksander Osipov and Jaakko Alakopsa. Those two have organised a mini-speedcon, except it wasn't like a speedcon at all and it was just two of them replaying the same coop demos over and over. Bearing that in mind, their demos were mostly iD stuff, so you can't fault them for not having a good choice of what to improve.

Finally, the last two coops. The first one has Jaakko Alakopsa teaming up with Basil de Vries on dmc1m4. They improved the earlier 2-player Nightmare 100% by Adam Lewandowski and Jason Hochreiter by no more and no less than 31 seconds to achieve this 0:59. And to end the update, as an icing on the SDA cake of December, Daniel Hansson joined Orbs and NahkahiiR to make a 3-player Nightmare 100% madcoop on The Crypt of Decay. The tablefiller thus conceived lasts 1:23, a good watch indeed.

That's all for today. In case I don't get an occasion, and I probably won't because you all are lazy bastards, Happy Christmas, New Year's Eve and also Easter.

Wednesday, 14th November by NahkahiiR

The fish is no longer alive - 14:07

For a time, digs01 was a silent episode. Nothing happened there. Then it met its destiny and was dragged into the SDA. The peaceful times in that place are over.
This week's story starts from d1 where I improved my "old" Nightmare 100% by 9 seconds to get a 0:58.
The next target was d2 where I beat Richard Skidmore's Nightmare 100% by 2 seconds with a very sloppy demo. The new record stands at 1:43.
Finally Flavio Quadros did what I had expected to happen on ds, a zombie boost! His Easy Run through the level took only 37 seconds. That's 5 seconds faster than Daniel Andersson.
In d5 I improved my own Nightmare 100% by 32 seconds to get a 1:56.
In d6 I beat Richard's Nightmare 100% by 34 seconds to get a 3:08.
In d7 I beat Richard's Nightmare 100% by 58 seconds to get a 3:46.

Remaining single player demos were recorded on custom maps. First off we go to coagula3 where Basil de Vries improved his own Easy 100% demo from the stone age by 21 seconds, in 2:06.

The most interesting map in this update is gibplex. First Flavio beat Karol Urbanski by 7 seconds in the Nightmare 100% category, to get a 0:44. Then, Richard Skidmore submitted two trick demos. There are no really insane tricks in his demos, however, the trick is to have slower time than the previous record! How is that possible? The map had a bug that made a fish spawn inside a wall. That's why others didn't get all kills on the map. After finding out what was wrong he recorded Easy 100% and Nightmare 100% in 1:23 and 1:28, "beating" Karol by -32 seconds and Flavio by -44 seconds, respectively.

Next up is sm28. Flavio beat my Easy Run by 9 seconds to get a 1:31. For a long time, the Nightmare Run had been an empty slot. Richard continued his tablefilling efforts with a 2:39. A day later, Flavio submitted a 67 seconds improvement: 1:32.

One day, Laurent Mertens wanted to beat a Thomas Bergendorff demo on a forgotten map - rettear. He chose the Easy 100% and owned lodis by 3 seconds to get a 1:52. Nice job!

Finally, I did some coops with Basil. In the Ogre Citadel, we beat Nolan Pflug and Justin Fleck's ancient Nightmare 100% by 7 seconds to get a 1:02. Logically, we moved on to the Crypt of Decay where we owned Richard Skidmore and Thomas Stubgaard's hangoverish Nightmare 100% by 16 seconds in 1:43. As a last demo in this update, we go back to the digs01 episode. In d4 we recorded a tablefiller (single player time 1:02) in 40 seconds!

Oh, I almost forgot one thing. Jozsef Szalontai has released a new version of Joequake and for some reason did not tell about it in the news page. However, he told us about the changes: "Cosmetic changes that should make watching demos and avi capture more pleasurable in GL."

I hope I didn't forget anything else. :-P

Friday, 2nd November by dex

Finally - 20:05

You people are weird. First we barely get demos over a period of an entire month before we can finally do an update. Then you send so many this update happens a week after, and has more demos than usual. Let's just hope it is not a momentary wake-up, and that the demos will be flowing to our mailbox in large quantities from now on.

Not unlike a kid that gets candy from his grandfather, I was very happy to see a marathon on digs01 episode by Richard Skidmore in my mail. The good, old, entertaining feel of his demos is very easily noticed thorough this Nightmare Run in 4:57, which is a tablefiller. Due to reasons unknown (I'm leaning towards laziness :)), Morfy didn't use a nice trick in d1. Not that the marathon is less awesome to watch that way. A kid that gets candy for free always wants more - I'm eagerly awaiting for more demos from Richard. He also took part in a small war that ensued on the d6 map from this episode...

The first strike in this truly epic campaign was Laurent Mertens's doing. He sent in a Nightmare Run that finished the map in 1:13, filling a hole on the SDA battlefield. Richard retaliated achieving a time 5 seconds faster, to get 1:08. Then, in a desperate counter-counter attack, Laurent got 1:05, 3 seconds faster, which is the fastest time currently. Tom Nguyen joined the fighting with his Easy Run, which took exactly 0:54, 10 seconds better than Laurent Mertens. That's it for today's news from the d6 front, let's hope the fighting will continue so that the demos come quickly :).

I have added 2 demos to this update myself, both of them on a map called gibplex. Easy 100% was finished in 0:51, 4 seconds faster than the old record by Justin Fleck. Nightmare 100% achieved the same time, again 4 seconds better than Justin. I wanted to do more, but I didn't have much time to do running. Shame on me.

Right, that was the last of the records that didn't include Jaakko Alakopsa bunnyhopping and blasting enemies. The insane demo machine really got to work in the last days, no doubt an effect of the motivation after getting the iD record. First, he was upset by the small number of TO's in his collection - only two - so he added another one. The map he did it on is gordian. Easy Run, which was in Kip Werking's possession, was improved by a minimal second to achieve 1:26. NahkahiiR stuck to the 'the minimum to get the job done' type of thinking and did the Easy 100% in 2:02, 2 seconds faster than Justin Fleck. Optic's Nightmare 100% was improved by just one second, 2:59 being the new time. The largest improvement was 7 seconds in the Nightmare Run category - 1:53, another record shamelessly taken from mister Fleck.

Jaakko moved on to ih1m4, where he took both the 100% records. The Easy one is 1:42 now, and the new Nightmare time is 1:59. Improved by 6 and 7 seconds respectively, they were both taken form Justin Fleck. Boy, he sure lost a lot of records today!

Anyway, back to expanding NahkahiiR's demo collection. He did wishes Nightmare 100% in 3:08, beating Nolan Pflug by 6 seconds. That's about the end of the single player demos.

We also got 4 coops in the last week, all of them featuring Jaakko Alakopsa. First, he teamed up with David Spickermann to wreak havoc in the digs01 episode. d1 got a bit of 2-player Easy 100% treatment in 0:29. The single player time is 0:44. Then, there's a tablefiller for the 2-Player Easy 100% on d5 - the single player time is 1:17, but the team Nahkahiir+LLCoolDave does it in 0:56. As a late addition to the d6 war, they also did a 2-Player Easy Run of that in 0:33 (SP time 1:04). The final demo for today is a collaborative effort of Jaakko Alakopsa and Aleksander Osipov, on d4. The 2-Player Easy Run time hole is now filled with this 0:20, while a single player has done it in 0:29.

Right, that's about it. Keep us occupied with updates and swarmed with demos :).

Friday, 26th October by dex & NahkahiiR

Silence? What is it? - 18:18

The few months pause in speedrunning is over. Here are the demos of the new era. For a change, a coop update:

  • The Realm of Black Magic Nightmare Run in 5:47 by Jaakko Alakopsa, beating Connor Fitzgerald by 8 seconds.
    dex: Incredible. The laziest of the lazy bums has spent 6 hours on one demo. The result is highly satisfying, if you close your eyes and mute your speakers on e2m5 :). I liked the different e2m3 route. And besides, it's an iD record (!) from Nahk(!!!). Better late than never, eh?
    NahkahiiR: I love my safe route through e2m3, e2m5 is a disgrace. :)

  • d4 Easy Run in 0:29 by Tom Nguyen, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 2 seconds.
    dex: Nicely done, Tom.
    NahkahiiR: Tom did a good job bunnying the stairs up fast, I couldn't.

  • d4 Nightmare Run in 0:18 by Tom Nguyen, beating David Spickermann by 3 seconds.
    dex: .35... Not too far from that another second shaved. The demo is good, though, so shaving that second could prove troublesome.
    NahkahiiR: Same in nightmare + monster co-operation. :)

  • d5 Easy Run in 0:21 by Tom Nguyen, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 2 seconds.
    dex: Entertaining, fast, high decimal demo with boosts leading to very low health. What more does a demo need to be good?
    NahkahiiR: Looks very fast! More of these!

  • ds Easy Run in 0:42 by Daniel Andersson, beating Karol Urbanski by 2 seconds.
    dex: I'm happy to give that particular record away to Daniel :)
    NahkahiiR: Still no zombie gib??!! Somebody, do it quick!

  • digs01 Easy 100% in 9:52 by Thomas Bergendorff, tablefiller.
    dex: SDA needs a new term for what Thomas did. Total Fucking Episode Ownage sounds well.
    NahkahiiR: This demo makes Thomas the king of digs01 by dominating all EHs in the episode.

  • digs01 Nightmare 100% in 16:55 by Richard Skidmore, beating himself by 84 seconds.
    dex: A fair bunch of clumsy monster killing from Richard, as entartaining as usual. WE WANT MORE!
    NahkahiiR: Not so bad, your mistakes are just entertaining. :)

  • ac Easy Run in 2:26 by Jaakko Alakopsa, beating Evan Wagner by 1 second.
    dex: Way too many monsters per square metre for my taste. Jaakko dealt with the blocking monsters pretty good though.
    NahkahiiR: There are no monsters that didn't block me on this route. Stupid exit bars.

  • ant Easy 100% in 3:43 by Jaakko Alakopsa, beating Justin Fleck by 7 seconds.
    dex: And Justin loses another record to NahkahiiR.
    NahkahiiR: Cool map, fun to run.

  • disturb Easy 100% in 1:03 by Thomas Bergendorff, beating himself by 4 seconds.
    dex: Impressive.
    NahkahiiR: Nice double grenade jump.

  • hellbrid Nightmare Run in 0:55 by Jaakko Alakopsa, beating Justin Fleck by 4 seconds.
    dex: Back to the entrance point, the NahkahiiR's way.
    NahkahiiR: This brings back memories, I recorded my first demos on hellbridge. I have become a bit better it seems. :)

  • hhouse Nightmare 100% in 4:01 by Karol Urbanski, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 11 seconds.
    dex: Back to the entrance point, the dex' way. (It's been EXACTLY a year since my first demo today, by the way. *throws a party in celebration* )
    NahkahiiR: Improvements in hhouse always look good.

  • mymap Easy 100% in 2:12 by Jaakko Alakopsa, beating himself by 4 seconds.
    dex: The standard "EH done quick" from Jaakko.
    NahkahiiR: I just wanted to test how much I have improved in "I did it in an hour" -running.

  • mymap Nightmare 100% in 3:35 by Jaakko Alakopsa, beating Richard Skidmore by 48 seconds.
    dex: It's always nice to watch Nightmare monsters get killed in large quantities.
    NahkahiiR: Richard wanted me to record this demo, I didn't forget it!

  • wishes Easy 100% in by Aleksander Osipov, beating Damian Kulot by 11 seconds.
    dex: Hooray for intermission killing.
    NahkahiiR: Looks like a fun map, but is it really fun? :)

Let's make sure that it doesn't take another month before the next demo update.

Friday, 19th October by NahkahiiR

We are lazy bums - 22:35

Sorry folks for making you wait for so long. We didn't forget you, we just had some troubles with communication inside the Team SDA. Enough babbling about problems, you got what you wanted - Contest results!

Yes, finally! The winners of this contest were Dmitry Dementjev and David Hocking. Go view the current standings of the Third SDA Championships ladder. It may look like Dmitry is running for the victory but I guarantee, it wasn't the last contest in this Championship!

Monday, 17th September by NahkahiiR

Championship 3 contest 6 - 20:13

You may have noticed that there has not been happening anything in this scene for a month. What a shame! We cannot let that happen that easily so we have prepared you some interesting stuff.


The sixth round in this championship will be fought on "Different Reality" by Damian Kulot. Easy Run and Easy 100% are being contested and demos should be in our inbox no later than Midnight CET, Monday October 1st 2007.
What are you still waiting for? Go record demos! ;-)

Friday, 17th August by dex

A prisoner of conscience - 20:14

"-What the fuck happened there? How did he escape?
-We're not yet sure, doctor. The majority of the asylum staff was heavily wounded by the time we arrived. They're still not conscious, we'll have to wait until they tell us.
-Shouldn't there be cameras? I supervised the installation of those a few months ago; surely they didn't vanish?
-No sir, but we had trouble getting all the material out of them, it took a fair while and we didn't have time to watch the recordings yet. Here they are, if you wish to look at them.
-Alright. I wonder, what made him so violent...according to the files, he was getting a lot better, doctor Nikolay even wanted to release him...and now Nikolay is dead..."

Eh, I wonder what weather is it today. Why do they still keep me in this cell? I mean, I didn't have any visions for so long, and my paranoia isn't a problem anymore, either...ah well. I've heard them talking that doc Nikolay wants to release me. A good man, he is. Maybe I'll be free today or tomorrow. Oh well, seems like my food and medicine arrived, time to eat. Mashed potatoes? I HATE mashed potatoes. I've already told it to them numerous times and they just keep making it more and more often. Maybe they do it on purpose...nah, why would they? Impossible. It sounds plausible. No! Damnit, medicine time. It looks weird. Different from other days. Why do they keep me locked here and give me medicine? They said I'm better. They should release me. Maybe they give me bad drugs on purpose? To make me mad? No. It's not possible. They're supposed to help me. Or are they? They must be one of THEM! ARGH, STOP IT! That's just paranoia I have...or maybe THEY want me to think it's paranoia? RELEASE ME YOU BASTARDS!

Argh! My head, it hurts! The world, it's starting to a whirlpool, it draws me inside...and I'm there again. What was the name of this land? THEIR land? di...Digs. That was it. Are THEY still here? It seems deserted. Maybe the nightmare won't come again. What is that figure in there? Could it be one of the fresh minions of THEIRS? No, it's not possible. THEY are back! Laurent Mertens... I still remember him from this realm back before the treatment. Wha... DON"T COME CLOSER! Where are you taking me? d1. The monsters, they are here. He's killing them! Whoa, that was EASY. And fast. All dead in 0:55. I've seen a different of THEM - David Spickermann - do it 2 seconds slower. ARgh, where now, you FREAK? No, not d2! I've seen too much of it already! The Nightmare... my head, it fells like 100% of my brain is filled with Nightmare. 1:51 and it's all over. I haven't felt this yet (tablefiller). Whirlpool again, no! Or yes! What's wrong with me? It's just a vision, hallucination, SNAP OUT OF IT, try to rememb... d6. I have to RUN, get away. *1:04 later* Phew that was EASY, even though I haven't yet seen it done (tablefiller).

Back to the cell. The doors are still locked - I want to get out! THEY are here, around trying to watch my every move, I'm TRAPPed TraPped... there's a WAY OUT I KNOW it! Why won't Nikolay release me. He's WiTH THEM, he must be. It starts again, aaaahh!

That's of my most frequent sights in this realm. Jaakko Alakopsa, that was the name. I'm safe in this place. In my cell, THEY watch my every step. I have to escape out of there. Or here? No, there. I'm not there now. Did I escape? Or am I merely dreaming? Will I be thrown away to the cell yet again?
No, he started doing something. Is that... d1 again? Yes, I remember it clearly. Monsters are here again. He's doing the same thing the one earlier...Laurent...did. 0:48 and they're all dead, faster by 7 seconds. Where are we going now? What? Oh, he's still staying here. More, harder monsters. But he kills them all again. When will the Nightmares end? Took him mere 1:13 to take them down. 14 seconds faster than Laurent before my 'treatment'. What, why does he restart it again? 1:07 this time. 6 seconds less. Okay, seems like we're travelling again. d4. Well, that was a fast and Easy Run. Took only 0:31 - 1 second faster than David Spickermann - to get to the next place. d7 - there's an exit out of the realm here! Quick, Run to it Jaakko. 0:54, Easy one. I remember Laurent managing this in 1:04. What? It didn't let me go away. Jaakko seems to be keeping me here, in this Nightmare. RUN! 1:03, 8 seconds faster than himself. Phew, he let me out.

Out of the nightmare realm, back to the cell. They must keep me under surveillance...they probably noticed I was out of this cell, why don't they come here? When they do, I have to take the chance. I'm going to Take THEm DOwn, I'm going to MAKE THEM PAY! Oh damn, another whirlpool!

This is not possible. I thought he disappeared long ago, but he keeps coming back to digs! Thomas Bergendorff, I think he's gonna show me how to kill enemies, *all of them*. And all of the places will seem EASY, I know it, I somehow do! d1. 0:44. He killed them all, 4 seconds faster than Jaakko. Then a sharp d2. 1:11, faster than Dmitry Dementjev by 2 seconds. 'Kill' - it's such a friendly word. Now, d6. 2:11, 9 seconds better than Jaakko. I have to watch his technique if I want to get out of my prison. ds - hey, I did this long ago! But he shows me a better technique...1:30, 2 seconds faster. I can learn from him, that's for sure. Finally, d7. I think I have learned enough, and he seems to agree - he let me go after finishing d7 in 1:58. Jaakko did it 11 seconds slower. I think.

Back to the cell. Come here, just come here you BASTARDS! I'm gonna rip your heads CleAN OFF! AARRGH!!
"-What the fuck is this idiot doing? He's been screaming like that for a while already!
-He must have forgotten his drugs. Wait a moment while I get two prods from the storage.
-Alright, but do it on the double! I've got a bad feeling about this."

They're escape. I think the visions from Digs realm are giving me last tips. Who is this one? He seems like one of the older ones. Must be really smart. Richard Skidmore, I presume. To end this Nightmare, I'll have to take them all down. He's showing me how to do it on d2. 1 minute 45 second later I know exactly what to do, and the way Richard showed me is 6 seconds faster than Laurent's. But what do I do after I escape the prison? Wait, who are those two? Laurent Mertens and Jaakko Alakopsa again. They are showing me, on d3, that I have to Run like two people at once! Easy! 0:26 and I should be out of the asylum (single player time 0:32).

"-I've got the prods. Open the door!"
They're here, they're here! Death is coming! Get away! Get away, I'm gonna hurt you, I'm gonna hurt you!

"-Shit, what a massacre. It's a miracle he only killed Nikolay.
-We don't have an idea where he is, but I think we're going to find him when the disease attacks again.
-True. A mad paranoid schizophreniac with insomnia shouldn't be too hard to find. Unless the disease stops, of course.
-What shall we do, doctor?
-Commence a search, inform police, border patrols. We can't let him go away.
-Okay. I'll keep you informed. Good bye.
-Good bye."

Tuesday, 24th July by NahkahiiR

Save the princess! - 15:30

It is a beautiful sunny day in the kingdom of Digs. People are living happily because of the good king they have. The king's name is Hulippa. Soon after midday, Hulippa receives bad news. One of his army generals has kidnapped his precious princess who has been kept hidden from the people. Hulippa gathers all his bravest warriors to get the princess back. He also tells them: "You can marry my daughter if you find her."

The first part of the quest is d1 which isn't heavily guarded so only one warrior is needed to be sent there. Laurent Mertens kills everything in this Nightmare 100% in 1:27 (tablefiller). It is done, the army can move on to the next battleground.

The second fortress - d2 - has been a pain for many who have attempted to conquer it. Laurent quickly recovered from his wounds and fought his way through a Nighmare Run in 0:32 (tablefiller). He was very close to death but survived.

The third castle on the way is d3 where I stopped Laurent because he has to heal his wounds a little longer. A Nightmare 100% through this place took only 2:44 (beating Richard Skidmore by 50 seconds), but where did it take us?

A secret place called ds! Even Hulippa didn't know about this! Luckily there is one who knows. Karol Urbanski appeared out of nowhere and rushed through the level with a great knowledge. His first Easy Run was 0:44 (beating me by 3 seconds). Then he thought he shouldn't have left anything alive so he ran it again on the same skill, doing a 100% in 1:34 (tablefiller).
What the hell? Monsters keep coming again! Frustrated from the earlier attempt he knew he had forgotten something. Karol then went and beat the earlier time by 2 seconds to get a nice 1:32. Ok... this really is a weird place. The enemy has a lot of reinforcements here. And even worse ones this time. dex went on a Nightmarish Run through the place again, finishing in 0:43. Then he got lazy and said: "I don't want that princess, this is too annoying" and went back to the forests where he came from.
The place was still full of ugly monsters so I had to do a Nightmare 100% to kill them all in 2:18 (tablefiller).

The enemy had focused its attention on ds so we passed d4 without a fight.

Next place where we have to fight again is d5. Laurent has come to his senses and did the Easy Run in 0:31 (tablefiller). Michael Hudson thought there were some flaws in that run so he improved it by 3 seconds to get a slightly quicker 0:28. I thought it still wasn't enough so the time had to fall by 5 seconds to 0:23. Laurent also killed everything and found all secrets on the Nightmare skill and got 3:31. Some monsters gathered again and I had to beat Laurent's time by 1 minute and 3 seconds in 2:28.

The journey is close to the end but surprisingly d6 has been left without any guards! Strange!

There it is, the last fortress of d7! Who has the guts to go rescue the princess from the evil general? Laurent steps forward from the line and wants to give it a go. First he does an Easy run in 1:16 (tablefiller) but he couldn't find the princess. Maybe he did something wrong. He won't stop though and gives it another go, this time with a better route and 12 seconds faster to get a 1:04.

The evil general escaped, seeing that the King's forces were far stronger than his own. Laurent is now in the room with the princess and sees her face. "Oh NO! I have never seen a girl as ugly as she is. I must run away!", he screams. The wishes of Laurent's desperate words were heard by Damian Kulot who had followed him to see the princess too. The ugly princess had taken Laurent in her fangs and to prevent the same happening for Damian himself as well, he ran away, taking it Easy as killing 100% of the remaining forces in the depths of the mansion in 1:48 (beating Aleksander Osipov by 19 seconds). God save Laurent from the ugly princess. Now the troops understand why King Hulippa kept her hidden in his castle.

Tuesday, 17th July by NahkahiiR

Contest RESULTZ!!! - 18:17

The contest called Can you dig it? is finished and it was Dmitry Dementjev who was victorious again. Thanks to all players and now go check the current standings of the Third SDA Championships ladder! The winning demos of d2 Easy run (0:28) and Easy 100% (1:13) have been added to the archive and the map is free for you to keep speedrunning. :-)

Sunday, 15th July by dex

It's us who should be lazy, not you - 00:04

Normally whenever we add new maps to the archives, there's a boom of the incoming demos and while one update gets uploaded to the site, the writing of the next one is already starting, and the density of demos in inbox reaches critical levels. This wasn't the case this time though - all of you were so lazy in doing demos on the new maps that most of this update is made from demos submitted by 'the lazy SDA staff'. So get to work, slackers :). Hopefully the absence of demos is because of you running the contest...hopefully.

But before we get into the new maps demos, time for two records on maps added to SDA already some time ago. Laurent Mertens is still active, you all should follow his example. He still kills all of the hideous monsters on coagula - this time however, he went ahead and set the skill variable at '3'. This 2:25 Nightmare 100% is a 14 seconds improvement over Richard Skidmore's old effort, very deserved in my opinion. I hope Laurent will keep up the steady flow of demos :). Besides that, we also received a digs03 improvement from the supposedly retired Thomas Bergendorff. He improved the Easy Run by Jaakko Alakopsa, by 3 seconds. Time achieved: 0:58. That's not all from him though!

He also pulled of a little magic on some of the digs01 episode maps. All of them are Easy 100%s, and all of them have his distinctive, refined style. In order of the bsp name: d3 in 1:08 (tablefiller), d4 in 1:02 (12 seconds faster than David Spickermann) and d5 in 1:17 (24 seconds faster than David). Nice demos, so go watch them!

Now some cool stuff from the old 'Mr. Long Records', Richard Skidmore! He made a bunch of tablefillers. Keeping up with his long and hard records style, most of them are Nightmare 100%s on maps that don't have explosive weapons. d3 gets a treatment in 3:34. d4 is finished in 2:32, d6 gets blown to oblivion in 3:42 and d7 is blasted through in 4:44. If you watch them you'll most likely be amazed by monster manipulation that is utilized to compensate for the lack of fancy explosive weapons. Damn impressive! He didn't close himself in the NH category though - he also did a Nightmare Run of d7, finishing in mere 1:22, and an Easy 100% on the same map, this time finishing in 2:39. Good work! Keep it up :)

Jaakko Alakopsa had a major role in this update, although entirely different from the last one. The last time he wrote the update; this time he makes an awful lot of demos. Sneaky bastard started with beating three of the fresh demos by Morfy - Nightmare Run of d7 got beaten by 11 seconds to achieve 1:11. The Easy 100% was broken by 30 whole seconds, meaning 2:09 is the record. Possibly scared of facing the Nightmare 100% on this map, he changed it to d4 and recorded a Nightmare 100% there - 35 seconds faster than Richard this time, exiting in 1:57. The rest of his production for this update is a mass of tablefillers: d5 Nightmare Run in 0:29 and d6 Easy 100% in 2:20. Those demos are cool. He also recorded an awfully, terribly bad ds Easy run in 0:47. One big bastard he is :).

And finally, the only two demos on new maps done not by SDA staff members. Tom Nguyen tried his luck in the Nightmare Run on d1 - and it let him improve the earlier record by David Spickermann by no more and no less than 2 seconds - 0:10 is the new time. He has also beaten another of Dave's demos - the Easy Run of d3 got beaten by 4 seconds, achieving this 0:32.

Yes, that's about it. We still look for recammers for the Quake Done 100% Quickest project - check the demos up, recam a few and send the demos up to us. And don't be worried if the updates to that page are scarce, I'm leaving for holiday so I will be left without internet...but after I'm back I'll be sure to update immediately.

Saturday, 7th July by NahkahiiR

No prose - 04:20

Map names didn't fit into my plans so you'll see a boring normal update. Or how can it be normal when there are no demos from me or the Team Florida... :)

Most of the runs this time were episode demos, recorded on an old pack and a new one. Let's start with oldiest first. Flavio Quadros got bored and asked what 100% demos he should record. I pointed out that jzblue needed some new marathon demos. That boy went and recorded an Easy 100% in time of 1:10, beating Mathias 'I get lost on 100m.bsp' Thore by 8 seconds. The history repeats itself - as Flavio was recording the NH marathon, he got a faster time on the first map than the current record was. The same has happened to many others, like me, Marlo, and... well, anyway the new time is 0:34, 1 second faster than Robert Axelsson.

Now to the newer episode that was added recently: digs01. David Spickermann has been active on this front, unlike any other runner - He recorded 9 tablefillers! None of them are optimal though. David managed to record his first single player marathon, an Easy skill Run through all of digs01, with a 3:40 - new to the tables. The rest of LLCoolDave's massive tablefilling production in bullet style:

  • d1
    • Easy 100% in 0:57, looking good.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:12, quite poor to be honest. :)
  • d3
    • Easy Run in 0:36, nice route.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:39, with more monsters to go through.
  • d4
    • Easy Run in 0:32, the jump to the window is cool. :)
    • Easy 100% in 1:14, I didn't expect the usage of both quads but it turned out to be a good choice.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:21, be grateful to ogres. They are such a big help. Or usually not. :P
  • d5 Easy 100% in 1:41, shame that the quad ended too soon.
That was all about custom episodes. The last 7 demos were recorded on custom maps, 5 of them on maps that I hate. Make a wrong move and fall into the damn void and die. The first dude to roam on the hellish levels is Justin Fleck who beat Basil de Vries' chain3 Easy 100% and Nightmare 100% records in 1:37 and 2:32 with improvements of 6 and 43 seconds, respectively.
The second map full of deaths and countless screams of AAARGH!!! is coagula2 where he slayed two more of Orbs' records. To repeat himself, he beat both 100% records again. Easy 100% in 0:52 and Nightmare 100% in 1:10 by 4 and 36 seconds. Finally there are some good looking demos on this map. :)

Laurent Mertens has become very active in the last few weeks and we aren't telling him to stop although he chose coagula as his current battle ground. Ignoring calls of the void, he beat Nolan Pflug's Easy 100% in 1:17, 4 seconds faster. He included some egg demos that give me an impression that he doesn't love fiends. Egg6 was the best one imho. :)

The last two demos are from an oldie, Ingmar Poerner! His latest work of art is filled with very beautiful grenadejumps in sm51_czg. He recorded both Easy Run and Nightmare Run demos in 16 seconds, 1 and 2 seconds faster than Tom Nguyen.

That was all about demos in this update. Remember to run the contest map. You still have plenty of time, 212.666 hours to be accurate.

Monday, 2nd July by dex

The laziness must go on - 18:38

Let's start with the thing we forgot in the last update. Namely: how to name the demos. For demos on individual maps, name them d#_xxx, where # is the number of the map. The marathon demos should be named dig1_xxx. Also, we ain't accepting demos on d2 EH and ER until the contest ends. That's enough for repairing what the last update fucked up.

Now, to the core of the update: demos. Let's start with episode demos, which we got in great quantity. We've got our first marathon on digs01 done by Richard Skidmore. The time for this Nightmare 100% is 18:19, a tablefiller. If you need to see where are the secrets placed, search no more. Plus, it's a demo by Morfans, which equals a lot of entertainment :).

Besides that, we used the demo from Digs01 Done Staff, to be specific, the first demo - d1 Easy Run in 0:09, made by Thomas Bergendorff, which is a pretty damn slick demo.

Outside of the new maps, we have two demos on Beyond Belief episode. Both are made by the laziest of bums, Jaakko Alakopsa. Both are also Nightmare 100%s. The first one, on bbelief5, finishes in 4:15, which is a 13 seconds improvement over Justin Fleck's earlier effort. The second one, made on bbelief6, beats said Justin by 40 seconds to get 3:50. And guess what, that's not the end of demos from Jaakko. He also took a few tries on one of the Prodigy episode maps - p_se_3b. He again did a Nightmare 100%, seems like it became one of his favourite categories. The time is 1:25, 3 seconds faster than Basil de Vries.

Now, back to custom level demos. Last one by NahkahiiR for this update - chain3 Nightmare Run now. Jaakko gets his lazy ass to the exit in 0:53 seconds, beating his own record by 10 seconds, and making this record suck less than earlier :).

Damian Kulot has made another demo. This time it's a dm5sp Nightmare 100%, finished in 1:04. This records beats Weixing Ye's achievement by just a minimal second required, the demo is still pretty nice though.

percept Easy Run got a treatment from the creator of the earlier record himself - Paul Davies delivered this 1:27 to the demo inbox, cursing on his connection a few times while he was sending. The demo is an improvement of 5 seconds.

Laurent Mertens seems to be back to Quake speedrunning, as evident by the number of demos he sent in the last time. He has beaten two records on the dreaded and feared warehaus. Nightmare Run by Jim Leonard was beaten by 10 seconds, meaning 1:11 is the new record. Nightmare 100% is an improvement over Jim again, this time full 22 seconds chopped off. 1:50 is the new time. I hope Laurent will keep the constant demo stream up :)

Finally, a bunch of coops by the usual American cooping team - Jason Hochreiter and Adam Lewandowski.

  • church Easy Run in 0:51, beating Robert Axelsson and Rickard Axelsson by 2 seconds.
  • critters
    • Easy Run in 0:13, beating Robert Maglic and Mathias Thore by 1 second.
    • Easy 100% in 0:30, beating Justin Fleck and Evan Wagner by 3 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:13, beating Mathias Thore and Robert Maglic by 1 second.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:30, beating Justin Fleck and Evan Wagner by 4 seconds.
  • hellbrid Easy Run in 0:28, beating Justin Fleck and Evan Wagner by 6 seconds.
  • lfdm4 Easy Run in 0:07, beating Jaakko Alakopsa and Basil de Vries by 1 second.
  • sm94_zwiffle
    • Easy Run in 0:07, beating Jaakko Alakopsa and Basil de Vries by 1 second.
    • Easy 100% in 0:40, beating Jaakko Alakopsa and Basil de Vries by 6 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:07, beating Jaakko Alakopsa and Basil de Vries by 1 second.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:42, beating Jaakko Alakopsa and Basil de Vries by 5 seconds.
Yep, that's it. You may want to look at the Quake Done 100% Quickest page - there are some killer demos by Arturo Garcia Lasca and Aleksander Osipov and one crap demo by Karol Urbanski :). We also need someone for recamming, so volunteer for that too!
And don't worry, the next updates will be crazy/insane/retarded again.

Sunday, 1st July by dex & NahkahiiR

You ask, we deliver. Well, sometimes. - 01:08

There have been some requests to add new maps by quite a few people. And, being the cool guys we are, we proudly give you more than just a few maps to run.

First things first: new maps. Quite a lot this time. In fact, we are adding a whole new episode for you to waste your time on. The episode is digs01 episode by Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov. In it, we give you 7 new maps, and of course there's a marathon category too.

BUT...adding so many maps can't go without some additional bonuses. And so, we are proud to present you a project we've made for fun. The project, named Digs01 Done Staff, is an Easy runthrough through the whole episode in 2:15. It's not the normal project you see on QDQ, though. The project's idea was to show off every of the current staff members running style and techniques. As such, it's far from being optimised. But, who cares when you can see the variety of techniques SDA staff uses? The project is included in the episode .zip, and it plays automatically. You can of course delete pak1.pak to not have it play every time, but who would do that when you can please your eyes with our demos? :)

The information of the new contest leaked two days ago on #qdq. You knew what to wait for so here it is in all the glory: fifth round of the third SDA championship - Can you dig it?
Easy Run and Easy 100% demos should be in our inbox no later than Midnight CET, Sunday July 15th 2007.

Everyone who participates will be rewarded points to get a position in The Third SDA Championship ladder! Thus; MAKE DEMOS!

Monday, 25th June by NahkahiiR

A mushroom per day keeps the doctor away - 16:20

The story starts with an anonymous individual. Let's call him Kevin. He has been enjoying quake demos but not playing the game himself. This time he arranged some mushrooms to make the viewing a lot funnier.

Okay, people seem to have sent some new demos. I will take these mushrooms. I hope 50 is enough this time. Damn they taste as bad as always but at least the effect is going to be good.

Weird update, no custom demos? Only custom episode demos and 2 marathons among them! I hope they aren't too long and boring. All of Beyond Belief... the name feels promising for the mushroom trip. There is this crazy Finnish dude Jaakko Alakopsa who has made lots of demos lately. Well, let's take a look at his 21 minutes and 39 seconds long Nightmare 100% marathon demo, beating Tim Doherty by 9.5 minutes.
The first map looks ok but I need something to keep myself awake. The mushrooms aren't kicking in yet so I'll take some hits from the bong. 1g of bud should be enough.

*Kevin smokes some weed while the demo is playing*

Oh it's a fifth map already. The ones between must have been boring so it doesn't matter. This bud is very good. Wow, the monsters look bad. How can he move that precisely? He must have planned every jump. ... Muahahaha Chthon is an ugly bastard! Die! Good!

Okay, that was it, not too bad. He recorded one more demo in Beyond Belief *giggle*, bb6 actually. An Easy 100% in 2:19, 4 seconds faster than Justin Fleck. Easy? How could it be? Very annoying one at least, I think. That spike trap is evil. I wouldn't go there, my soft skin would hurt. Thinking about the skin, it's a very interesting part of the human body. How come I haven't thought about it earlier. No wait, something is wrong. What am I talking about? I should be watching demos and not babbling some gibberish. I think mushrooms are starting to have an effect.

Oh man, what an awesome name for the next map pack. Prodigy Marathon! Laurent Mertens went through the Easy Run and beat himself... himself? I can't decide if that is a girl's or boy's name. Well let's say that dude is a kangaroo and forget the gender. Anyway the time is 3:08 and 11 faster than the previous demo. Those bunnies aren't very entertaining but hey, it's a kangaroo and that fits quake very well! Nice rocketjumps too.

That jumping animal then thought the Nightmare Run *shudders* I don't want nightmares! Oh yeah, back to the scene, I'm flipping a lot at the moment. The NR of p_se_1 by Justin Slick, argh, Justin Fleck needed one second improvement: 0:43. Why do you have to shoot those enemies. Give them flowers and they would then be nice for you.

No more single player demos? Hmm, then coops by the insane couple from Florida: Jason Hochreiter and Adam Lewandowski. It's a long time since they sent demos... I hope these are some quality demos then. I haven't seen those gnomes hopping around in hip3m3 before. I know they are good at hiding but why they are dancing here at the moment? Get away for a moment, I want to see the Easy 100% through this map now. Looks like it took only 1:13 to beat Jaakko Alakopsa and Aleksander Osipov by 4 seconds. Gremlins look a bit like gnomes... did I just see them? No, can't be. They must be siblings.

Mexx6 looks familiar. Those Finnish hippies recorded some demos on that map a while ago. A while? That's one whole year ago. The time really flies. Actually, I feel like flying too. Why did these guys do an Easy Run, an Easy Flight would have been a lot faster. At least I feel like that way. The time they got is 1:07, 4 seconds faster than those hippies mentioned before.

The scepter of ikspq1 Easy 100% changed its owners. Looks like the other American team lost by one second. Oh yeah, they were Justin Slick and Evan Wagner. Did I remember that name right? Maybe not. Well it doesn't matter. The time these Floridians got is ok, a 0:50. Well done.

Heh, I have seen many battles in this map, dm1sp. I thought this was a speedrunning community, not a deathmatch one. Hmm. Where did those monsters appear? I must be imagining them as I'm so high. But who are these players? I can't see their names. Maybe those outfits are just new skins. Okay, that must be it. Let's pretend it's a speedrun now. I believe they are doing an Easy 100% as they are killing all these other guys. Hmm, 0:25? The match ended that quickly? Stupid settings, I see. Let's see if they take another short match like this. Oh they just spawned, and other dudes look more aggressive than before. That's right, don't get too cocky and you will face the difficulty of the deathmatch. What the? They exited again. I can't believe it. It looked like Nightmare 100% and the exit time is 0:31. I should really check what I'm doing. Oh, these were speedruns! These mushrooms are good! Well, for the EH2 they beat Robert & Rickard Axelsson by 2 seconds and for the NH2, Jaakko Alakopsa and Basil de Vries by 3 seconds.

More deathmatch levels... is this dm5sp? You must be confusing me on purpose! The confusion stirs me and the heat of that process turns my body into a liquid. And then gas! Whoa this feeling is awesome. I can clip through walls! Why don't you do it too, guys? It would be a lot easier. Okay, I will stay in this point and watch your demos from inside my computer. Who needs keyboards. My head feels somewhat clear now. First off they recorded the Easy Run in 0:17, 1 second faster than Jaakko Alakopsa and Basil de Vries. Fools of the year. Then, Easy 100% in 0:24, 3 seconds faster than those fools again. And finally Nightmare Run in 0:19, tablefilling (single player time 0:20). I will the table with coconuts and let's eat them for your victory.

Ah, no more dm maps, they aren't that cool anyway. Coagula has a large void in it. Feels like that's the place where I'm drifting now. There is nothing. There is only me, and that flying fortress, of course. I have a good view from up here. Their co-operation looks very nice which ends up as an Easy 100% in 0:54, beating Pif et Luc de Mestre by 13 seconds. I know that reaching the kingdom of light requires some co-operation with other people. You guys are doing a good job. With you I can become a divine being.

Looks like there are still two demos unwatched. The first one of them is done on dazsp1. The design is brilliant, it reminds me of the last life I had on Earth when I was a fish. Anyway, it took only 1:26 to beat Jaakko Alakopsa and Paul Davies by 13 seconds.

There is this one last demo on trincasp2 before I can fly to the heaven to meet my ancestors. The map is an evil place, but it doesn't bother me as I'm close to the enlightenment. It must take only the duration of this demo to get into that state. Their wonderful co-operation ends here in 1:05, 10 seconds faster than Michael Hudson and Paul Davies. God bless mushrooms... no wait, there is something wrong in that statement. The God knows the truth and because I'm enlightened now, I must be the God! I bless mushrooms!

And now Kevin has done his job and enters the trip without restrictions of quake.

Wednesday, 13th June by dex

Back to the front - 00:41

After the last set of outstanding wins against the hordes of evil Black Goat of the Woods, we thought the realms of Quake will be cleansed off of Shub's minions as the march of the True Warriors continued to take key battlefields. Then, all contact with even the most heroic fighters has ceased. We could only speculate whether the Thousand Young of the evillest of creatures - the infamous Shub-Niggurath - have managed to kill them, or whether they were faced against terrible tortures. It seemed as if the war was lost, with monsters quickly retaking every part of the known realm.

Then, after all hope of survival was lost, one lone warrior decided to come out of his long hiding from Shub's worshippers and minions on the Battlefield of avatar. The man that has challenged the things that should not be was no other than Jaakko Alakopsa. We had doubts the man was alive. But he, thanks to his cunning courage, has decided to break through evil hordes' lines. First, he fleed to a better position from the place he hid himself. Fortunately for him, the monsters at the place were not elite troops, and this RUN from them was unexpectedly EASY - he accomplished it in 4:55, beating even what the legendary hero Richard Skidmore managed by 4 seconds. After getting a better overview of the situation, and confirming neither the Black Goat nor one of the Thousand of it's children was at place, he had the guts to go fighting monsters at the place again. He killed every one of them, an incredible thing to do, in a bad battle that took 5:18. He has done it as quickly as he could, knowing surprise would be one of his major strengths, he has done it 19 seconds faster than Nolan Pflug battles ago. He then started devising an ingenious plan to break back to HeadQuarters. His preparations were interrupted by elite troops of Shub-Niggurath. I'll admit, we were sure we have lost one of out best troops. We had little hope even he would have managed such strong armies. The NIGHTMARE he had to endure was one that would kill many great men. But he didn't give up - in fact, he first crushed the forces of enemy to one last monster. The battle was long and fierce, but after 5:37, the battlefield was clean again. Again, he has fought this battle faster than Nolan, this time 44 seconds faster. We were astonished by his bravery. Then, the elite troops came back to kill him again. Jaakko, wounded and tired after the earlier battles, had little choice but to flee. He took down as many foul creatures as he could on the way out. After 5:07, he was in a position to try to get to the HQ. The performance again astonished Nolan, who didn't think his scenario of escape was to be improved by 20 seconds.

Nahk has found himself in front of a big army residing on fmb8. The army had to be eradicated to ensure easy way out, Jaakko thought. And he fought on the old Nightmare 100% battlefield, and has killed the monsters in 7:41, which beaten the veteran Basil de Vries by 52 seconds. Jaakko then had to rest for a while. After he recovered from his wounds, he found out that monsters from hideous Shub-Niggurath were teleported to fight him. There weren't as many, and this time it was EASY to kill 'em all in 4:32, 17 seconds faster than what Basil has struggled for here. NahkahiiR has moved on, and to be faster, he has disposed of the weapons he had.

He quickly regretted his decision. Seeing a lone hhouse in his path, he thought he was going to find a safe haven for a while. When he tried to break into it, he discovered it was filled with monsters. He fought that Nightmare fully, killing every single monster in a place I, Karol Urbanski, have myself fought for. Showing outstanding skill in handling evil's minions, he got them all in 4:12, 69 seconds faster than what I thought would be enough.

nesp16 was another place he had to cross on the way to us. And he has killed all monsters on two parts of this battlefield: first the Easy 100% part in 3:25, beating Marlo Galinski's achievement by 2 seconds. Then the Nightmare 100% was the next one, done in 5:12. Justin Fleck was amazed by this battle going faster by 8 seconds.

Wounded Jaakko has managed to get the last ounces of strength out of himself on sm82. Thinking he was to die on this day, he has struggled to beat the most elite troops of Shub. He first has done a fast reconnassaince of enemy troops - he RAN on the NIGHTMARE battlefield in 5:53, beating his earlier record by 85 seconds. He took many enemies with him. But he was to take even more - all of them. It lasted 7:49 against the same elite troops, and he has managed to destroy his earlier win by 127 seconds. That was the last test for him. He was heavily wounded and in need for an immediate med evac.

We had little doubt what to do. We've sent a few troops that were still in a state in which they could fight to recover Jaakko alive from the battlefield. One of them was the supposedly retired Thomas Bergendorff, who was to get to Jaakko from the east. He has managed to get through carnage highest ranked enemies, even crushing them all, in 1:45. That was better than the fresh Justin Fleck's victory by 2 seconds. Unfortunately, he was stopped there.

The other troops we have sent from the west. Knowing two people had bigger chances to be fast than one, we have sent Flavio Quadros and Andre Castro together. They have fought incredibely well, managing to cross the first part of their path to Jaakko in 0:10. The battlefield was that of runthis 2-Player Easy 100%, this is one of the new victories against evil forces. The one person battle here we remember has taken 0:12.

Flavio then decided to move by himself, through the battlefields of damaul3b Nightmare, RUNNING it in 0:24 to get Jaakko out fast. He has beaten the old time by Thomas Bergendorff by 3 seconds. Then, very very hard fights against the monsters had to be done. I wouldn't be surprised if he was to lose to the NIGHTMARES on two next fields. First, he shattered the forces of Shub-Niggurath on elin in mere 0:23, which was faster than Basil's battle by 1 second. The last killing took place on the evspq1 Nightmare 100% fields. Flavio knew he had to be fast, and he was. He got 1:47, which was faster than by the legendary Thomas Stubgaard's battle by as much as 3 seconds. Thanks to Flavio's outstanding performances, NahkahiiR was saved from his death.

The fight is not over yet! We need to reinforce our positions and strike swiftly - the more battles YOU win, the closer we all are to our goal! So, fight for the future of mankind, warriors...

Friday, May 25th by NahkahiiR

True warriors of the known space - 20:58

The darkness falls over the realms of quake, once again EVIL Shub-Niggurath has gathered her armies and filled all nooks, all corners and everything imaginable with the most terrible monsters that man can ever think about. What is the fate of our beloved planet which always has to welcome these ugly and deadly changelings and can't do anything about it. Fortunately, even when the land is covered by monsters, there are still true warriors who oppose the powers of death. Their hunger for saving all innocent from the fangs of Shub-Niggurath, is known throughout the galaxy.

These warriors can't be fooled, they are starting to get the hang of what's going on and monsters won't stand a chance. The first of these heroes, Arturo Garcia Lasca conquered the Nightmare 100% of Castle of the Damned 2 seconds faster than Thomas Stubgaard, getting a slick 1:03. Once again the outpost of Shub-Niggurath is free from her control and the mankind can live in peace. But the war goes on...

Another strategious victory over the evil army took place in the Palace of Hate. Having lost all his comrades, Karol Urbanski fought alone and cleared the Easy 100% in 1:51, 2 seconds faster than himself. Good work. He also saw that trincasp2 was not fully mastered and recorded an Easy Run in 1:19, 1 second faster than Adam Lewandowski. But that didn't stand long. His only standing record in this place remained as Easy 100% in 2:28, 5 seconds faster than Justin Fleck.

Adam Lewandowski from the wonderland of Am3rica decided to help in the endless fight against evil and beat Karol by 1 second to get 1:18. The forgotten tomb is now completed and new exciting monster slaying adventures are waiting for this skilled man.

The human army has one trump card in their pockets, even the monsters fear Justin Fleck whose amusing use of firepower clears everything from its path. His first territorial conquest happened in carnage where gibs fly at the speed of sound. But faster than that is the Flying Fleck, his Nightmare 100% took 1:47, 1 second improvement over Thomas Bergendorff.
Still keeping his brutal pace, the next unfortunate area was colony where he recorded both Easy and Nightmare 100%, 1:18 and 1:34, beating lolfu again by 4 and 6 seconds. Respect.
The same man brought light to the darkness. He took a monster hit from the bong and keeping that state of mind, knocked everything down with a tremendously raw quad attack in 1:49, 8 seconds faster than the Swede mentioned above.

Without his trusted help for the mankind, the kingdom of grc4beta would still be infected with monsterous activity. As my presence there wasn't enough, he beat my Easy and Nightmare 100% records by 3 and 21 seconds, getting sweet 1:56 and 2:23. What would the planet be without him?

The last rock in his shoe, trincasp2 was quickly shaken off as he first beat Karol's old Easy 100% achievement by 16 seconds to get 2:33, which was beaten a bit later. That didn't make him too sad, when he beat Karol again in Nightmare 100%. He dropped the iron weight off his foot, and with that extra speed he chopped 80 seconds off from Karol's time. The new time stands at 5:16. No mercy for the armies of the darkness when this man is loose!

As the last lonely leg of warriors of the light, I joined the massacre of evil forces facing Shub-Niggurath's direct sub-ordinate Chthon on Nightmare 100% through dam100. With my trusty rocket launcher, the time fell down to 1:59, beating Richard Skidmore by 58 seconds.

The war on darkness cannot be won only by loners. Teamwork is the key in this great battle. The efforts of Evan Wagner and Justin Fleck were almost desperate on mexx9a, but they didn't stop trying. The Nightmare Run in 0:52 (tablefiller, single warrior time 1:44) and Nightmare 100% in 2:47 (tablefiller, single warrior time 3:58) showed the world that they aren't afraid and bravely defended Earth from falling into the hands of Shub-Niggurath.

Although our strong army is marching from a victory to another, the fight is not over yet. Lots of blood will flow, pain and damage is taken. But the strong will of ours, is going to end it someday and the mankind will be free of Shub-Niggurath's evil actions. Let's do it together!

Friday, May 18th by dex

Some title should probably go here - 20:20

We've got flooded with quite a bit of demos in the last few days. Sadly, neither of the speedrunners decided to make a demo on one of the original Quake maps. To add a few episode demos to the mighty demo collection hosted on SDA, Mathias Thore has been running terra maps. First, he took down a marathon demo that was already pretty good, an Easy Run of the whole episode in 2:06. That one beats Jonathan's earlier mara by 6 seconds. A nice show of fast running. After that, the nice time he achieved on terra2 has made him try the demo from scratch. The result is a 36 second demo, beating Anders Nordensten by a mere second, but a valuable one at that.

Justin Fleck is continuing his demo beating crusade. This time he killed a 'few' monsters on aard100. 'Few' as in 'quad action on a highly populated map'. The Easy 100% by Jaakko was improved to 3:40, 39 second faster. The skill went up after that, and Nightmare 100% by Richard Skidmore took a big blow. This 4:52 improved the earlier demo by 47 seconds. But it wasn't enough to satisfy Justin's hunger for blood and gibs, and so the slaughtering continued till the time fell to 4:34 for a total of 65 second of improvement.

Our very own 'Finnish Demo Machine', called Jaakko Alakopsa by some, has retaken the Easy 100% on dam100. Richard's nice demo was replaced by a lovely 1:05, a whopping 15 seconds faster. Also, Jaakko has made....hmm. Okay, maybe he isn't that much of a demo machine then :). That's all from him for today's update, shame on him.

Maybe the beating his darkfst demo took will make him work on demos again. His TO was replaced completely by one player's demos: Joshua Anthony! Easy run is 2:30, Easy 100% went down to 3:15, Nightmare Run was destroyed by a 2:29, and finally, a TO was claimed by a Nightmare 100% in 3:17. Improvements are 6 seconds, 4 seconds, 11 seconds and 2 seconds respectively. Good work Joshua.

Someone finally noticed my trincasp2 ER sucked. Adam Lewandowski was 2 seconds faster than me (1:20), however the low decimal and a few small bumps leave room for another improvement. Still, it's better than it was :).

And now, at the end, a bunch of coops by, you guessed it, Jason Hochreiter and Adam Lewandowski. You guys keep making those demos with a speed closely resembling a machine gun. I personally recommend the dwell demos.

  • bfinal
    • Easy Run in 0:24, beating Mattias Öman and Christian Tornberg by 3 seconds.
    • Easy 100% in 0:28, beating Mattias Öman and Christian Tornberg by 2 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:25, beating Mattias Öman and Christian Tornberg by 3 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:28, beating Mattias Öman and Christian Tornberg by 2 seconds.
  • czg03
    • Easy Run in 0:45, beating Carl Tholin and Daniel Andersson by 3 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:46, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 6 seconds.
  • disgrace
    • Easy Run in 0:30, beating Aleksander Osipov and Jaakko Alakopsa by 1 second.
    • Easy 100% in 0:32, beating Aleksander Osipov and Jaakko Alakopsa by 3 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:41, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 4 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:47, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 11 seconds.
  • dwell
    • Easy Run in 0:31, beating Robert Axelsson and Rickard Axelsson by 3 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:32, beating Robert Axelsson and Rickard Axelsson by 2 seconds.
  • fr3n1m3 Easy 100% in 0:54, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 10 seconds.
  • houstrps
    • Easy Run in 0:25, beating Justin Fleck and Evan Wagner by 1 second.
    • Easy 100% in 0:46, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 4 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:29, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 2 seconds.
  • ouver Nightmare Run in 0:47, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 13 seconds.
  • sm100_pulsar Easy 100% in 0:31, beating Jaakko Alakopsa and David Spickermann by 2 seconds.
  • tod Easy 100% in 0:25, beating Robert Axelsson and Rickard Axelsson by 1 second.
  • warehaus Nightmare Run in 0:45, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 20 seconds.

I believe that's everything for today.

Monday, May 14th by dex & NahkahiiR

An amazingly and undoubtedly interesting title - 21:43

This is becoming a curse of an update I start. Every demo, save for one madcoop, is a 100% demo.

A little variety never hurt, and so here comes another coop update. Time to get moving with the essence of updates: DEMOS!

  • The Slipgate Complex Nightmare 100% in 1:02 by Arturo Garcia Lasca, beating Thomas Stubgaard by 2 seconds.
    dex: Who would have expected an improvement to one of the records on the good old e1m1? Especially a 2 sec improvement to a demo that was already in the top of the "sharpest demos" list. Ken did a really good job, although now I am confident that 1:01 is achievable. Who's gonna challenge that?
    NahkahiiR: Probably the man himself. Good looking demo, especially the death of grunt before the quad secret. :)

  • digs02 Easy 100% in 1:13 by Justin Fleck, beating Karol Urbanski by 3 seconds.
    dex: Could have been done faster...
    NahkahiiR: No comments.

  • digs02 Easy 100% in 1:10 by Justin Fleck, beating himself by 3 seconds.
    dex: ...that's better, but I couldn't let him have the record for long...
    NahkahiiR: Finally I see intermission kills on this map.

  • digs02 Easy 100% in 1:09 by Karol Urbanski, beating Justin Fleck by 1 second.
    dex: I recorded this one. Mental note: Never, under any circumstances, play Quake on hangover.
    NahkahiiR: The environment around you must have looked like the map anyway so why not record a demo on hangover. :>

  • digs02 Nightmare 100% in 1:12 by Justin Fleck, beating Karol Urbanski by 8 seconds.
    dex: Thanks for destroying my crappy 1:20, Justin :).
    NahkahiiR: The fight moved on the Nightmare skill...

  • digs02 Nightmare 100% in 1:10 by Karol Urbanski, beating Justin Fleck by 2 seconds.
    dex: Here's a gift for destroying the 1:20. Up for another round?
    NahkahiiR: Alea iacta est.

  • bnt Nightmare 100% in 4:06 by Justin Fleck, beating Richard Skidmore by 12 seconds.
    dex: Is Justin back for good, after so many months of absence? Judging by the number of demos he sent in this time, it certainly seems so.
    NahkahiiR: A bit sloppy but he certainly showed Richard where the closet will stand.

  • erotique Nightmare 100% in 1:23 by Justin Fleck, beating Thomas Bergendorff by 5 seconds.
    dex: Justin was busy the last 5 days indeed.
    NahkahiiR: The machine beats laziness.

  • hellbrid Easy 100% in 3:10 by Justin Fleck, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 24 seconds.
    dex: I remember that I tried to beat this record very, very long ago, back when I could barely bunnyhop. This demo could have been done better :P.
    NahkahiiR: Nice demo. Keep going beating records.

  • hellbrid Nightmare 100% in 4:10 by Justin Fleck, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 63 seconds.
    dex: Quite a spanking, over one minute of improvement.
    NahkahiiR: My demo wasn't good. This is a lot better. I enjoyed it.

  • rettear Nightmare 100% in 2:18 by Justin Fleck, beating Richard Skidmore by 7 seconds.
    dex: This demo has a fair share of flaws in it. I smell an improvement, but who knows...
    NahkahiiR: A bit of quantity over quality.

  • hellvill Easy 100% in 3:06 by Justin Fleck, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 13 seconds.
    dex: Another one of the great maps I played a lot of time ago. The demo went pretty nice.
    NahkahiiR: No great fleck-ups there.

  • hellvill Nightmare 100% in 3:15 by Justin Fleck, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 20 seconds.
    dex: Fleck broken quite a few records belonging to our productive Finn. It must have been pretty painful to Jaakko...
    NahkahiiR shakes his fist.

  • terra4 Nightmare 100% in 2:41 by Jaakko Alakopsa, beating Justin Fleck by 27 seconds.
    dex: In fact, it was painful enough to stab Justin's records in return. First, this, a nice 27 second improvement.
    NahkahiiR: Recording this was very fun. :)

  • czg04 Easy 100% in 4:04 by Jaakko Alakopsa, beating Justin Fleck by 11 seconds.
    dex: And then another Fleck demo falls.
    NahkahiiR: Quite straight forward map, can't leave much stuff hanging around.

  • dam100 Easy 100% in 1:20 by Richard Skidmore, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 40 seconds.
    dex: Holy fuck, a Morfen-demo? Very nice route, Richard is still in his very solid shape!
    NahkahiiR: I ordered a demo on this map, the result is better than I thought. Very Damn Impressive. :)

  • damaul3b Nightmare 100% in 0:49 by Flavio Quadros, beating Matthias Belz by 28 seconds.
    dex: That one beats quite an old record, but great job from Flavio nevertheless.
    NahkahiiR: Matthias lost his last record, but he can be happy about the fact it was done by someone really good.

    And finally, a few coops:

  • digs02 2-Player Easy 100% in 0:50 by Aleksander Osipov and Jaakko Alakopsa, tablefiller (single player time 1:09).
    dex: The bad side of coop: Having to fuck around with lag. And the good side is heaps of fun, I'm sure they had those heaps of fun while making the demo.
    NahkahiiR: It isn't one of the best coop demos, but the map is very coop-friendly. :)

  • hellbrid 2-Player Nightmare 100% in 4:07 by Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre, tablefiller (single player time 4:10).
    dex: de Mestre clan is back to Quake, it seems. So now we have TWO active coop teams, which is bound to make inbox filled with demos :)
    NahkahiiR: How many de Mestres does it take to beat one Fleck? 2 for now.

  • q1tm3_hrim_V2 2-Player Easy 100% in 2:37 by Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre, tablefiller (single player time 3:25).
    dex: Yet another de Mestre coop.
    NahkahiiR: More aggression to your demos plz, this looks like little girls trying to play ice hockey.

  • heresp1 3-Player Easy Run in 0:07 by Pif de Mestre, Luc de Mestre and Andre de Mestre, tablefiller (2 player time 0:11).
    dex: That's the ONLY Run of the entire update. Although it is certainly possible to improve.
    NahkahiiR: When Pif looks behind it feels like he is saying others something as "are we really going to do it this way?"

I think that's it for today's update. The title is a special tribute to NahkahiiR :)

Wednesday, May 9th by NahkahiiR

Revolver isn't enough - 13:42

The pace of new updates has gotten real fast. Only 3 days after the previous one we got 40 demos.

Mathias Thore recorded the only sp demo on old maps, 0:14 on czg's lovely terra4. I love the monster co-operation in this demo, the scrag willingly lent its power for Mathias but unfortunately got nothing in return. It is an OPTIMAL demo. Congrats, Mathias!

The fellow who started the rumble on the new maps, is Karol Urbanski, who released his fangs from id demos to make funny demos on digs02. First there was a Nightmare Run hole, and an instant later dex filled it with a nice 0:23. The record harvester moved on to 100% demos, recording a 1:16 on easy and a 1:20 on nightmare, beating Justin Fleck by 7 and 3 seconds. Next time I would like to see intermission kills too. Quad + sng + scrags = yay.

My part comes next. I really liked the feeling of digs03, which made me record three tablefillers there, Easy 100% in 4:26, Nightmare Run in 1:02 and finally Nightmare 100% in 4:29. Whoops, I got another Total Ownage.
When Paul Davies defeated my sm28 Easy Run, I went on to fool around with noclip to see if there were another ways to complete the map. By skipping the three buttons, I got a nice 1:40. Gonna fight back, Lag? Again, the joy of playing quake turned out in the shape of another two tablefillers, Easy 100% in 4:20 and Nightmare 100% in 4:22. What's wrong with you people? You are letting me to have too many records.

The only sp demos on speedmaps were done by Tom Nguyen who improved his sm51_czg Easy Run by 1 second to get a 0:17, cool bananas. The last hole on this map, Nightmare Run got filled in 18 seconds! E1m3 grenadejumping does not seem to be a problem to this man.

You would have never expected the comeback of the French coop clan, Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre. After over a year's pause, they recorded 6 demos. I don't know if they got angry about the certain Americans who have been crushing their demos, but here they are again. There is a lot of work for anyone, SDA has hundreds of 2-player coop holes.

  • digs03
    • Easy Run in 0:09, tablefiller (single player time 1:01).
    • Nightmare Run in 0:09, another tablefiller (single player time 1:02).
  • hellbrid
    • Easy 100% in 2:49, tablefiller (single player time 3:34).
  • sm51_czg
    • Easy 100% in 0:51, tablefiller (single player time 1:16).
  • sm103_zwiffle
    • Easy 100% in 1:37, tablefiller (single player time 1:53).
    • And a bit later, a 1:26, beating themselves by 11 seconds.

Finally, demos by Adam Lewandowski and Jason Hochreiter, known as Team Florida. They are desperately trying to make SDA run out of bullets. Revolver isn't enough, we need a gatling gun like M134. But their 22 demos in the bullet style:

  • Czg's chaotic czg100b
    • Easy 100% in 1:03, beating Daniel Hansson and Fredrik Eckers by 5 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 1:06, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 7 seconds.
  • The hell of buttons: bnt2
    • Easy Run in 1:03, beating Evan Wagner and Justin Fleck by 7 seconds.
    • Easy 100% in 1:05, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 22 seconds.
  • evilwrld
    • Easy 100% in 0:57, beating Justin Fleck and Evan Wagner by 6 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:57, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 15 seconds.
  • I didn't know that a map like hellbase existed on SDA, the demos look fun though.
    • Easy 100% in 1:21, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 17 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 1:23, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 13 seconds.
  • hunter
    • Easy 100% in 1:36, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 32 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 1:58, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 30 seconds.
  • nesp10
    • Easy Run in 0:07, beating Robert Axelsson and Rickard Axelsson by 1 second.
    • Easy 100% in 0:59, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 20 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:07, tablefiller (single player time 0:09).
  • pb1
    • Easy 100% in 1:12, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 18 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 1:38, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 20 seconds.
  • real
    • Easy Run in 0:38, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 4 seconds.
    • Easy 100% in 1:13, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 10 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:48, tablefiller (single player time 1:10).
  • They took the roles of Mario and Luigi in wrld11.
    • Easy Run in 0:17, tablefiller (single player time 0:18).
    • Easy 100% in 0:26, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 7 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:17, tablefiller (single player time 0:18).
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:25 beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 7 seconds.

There are still 3 sp holes left... who will get them?

Sunday, May 6th by dex

WTF DEMOS - 22:27

This update is filled by demos on new maps, which proved to be attractive to runners indeed. Before that though, demos on maps that are on SDA for 'slightly' longer than that...

Following the standard update layout, first comes an iD record. Arturo Garcia Lasca still beats records by Stubgaard. This time, he took the Gloom Keep Nightmare 100% down to 1:14, beating Stubby by 5 seconds. Anyone notice a pattern here? In any case, a great demo from Arturo, go watch it!

Flavio Quadros has improved himself on n3_100b nicely, bringing the Easy Run down to 0:54, which is a 12 seconds improvement.

Jaakko Alakopsa has shown why he is called an 'insane demo machine' during those few days. He has made a empire Easy 100% in 2:22, beating Jonny Andersson by 2 seconds. Then he made a few evilpool demos, both of them are Nightmare 100%. First he has beaten Arturo by 25 seconds (1:08), then he decided he should work on the demo a little more and got a better 0:57, which is an additional 11 seconds improvement. Not satisfied with this number of demos, he went ahead and done a htr Nightmare 100% in 1:50, beating Nolan Pflug by 13 seconds. Finally, he took mymap Easy 100% as his next target and got a 2:16, beating Basil de Vries by 19 seconds. But wait, that's not all from the crazy Finnish runner, he made a few demos on the new maps...

While we are on the subject of new maps, here are the demos we got on them in just a handful of hours. You guys sure were busy!
  • digs02
    • First, Easy Runs:
      • 0:27, tablefiller by Tom Nguyen...
      • ...which was later improved by Flavio Quadros to 0:24, 3 seconds faster.
    • Easy 100%: just one, Justin Fleck returns with a few tablefillers, 1:23 being one of them.
    • Nightmare 100%: just one, another tablefiller by Justin Fleck, 1:23.
  • digs03
    • The productive Finn did the only demos on this one, two Easy Runs.
      • A tablefiller, 1:17,
      • and a 16 second improvement, 1:01.
  • sm26_necros2
    • Easy Runs first:
      • Dmitry Dementjev took the first tries, getting a 0:21...
      • ...which Flavio Quadros improved quite fast by a minimal second to get 0:20.
    • Easy 100%s time:
      • Another Jaakko Alakopsa demo, 1:01.
      • Later, we got a demo from Flavio Quadros, which is a 6 second improvement, 0:55.
    • Nightmare Run got only one entry from Dmitry Dementjev, with a time of 0:20.
  • sm28
    • This had two Easy Runs:
      • Jaakko Alakopsa, continuing his demo streak, got a 2:11,
      • which Paul Davies improved by 11 seconds, exactly 2:00 on the timer.
  • sm51_czg
    • Easy Run got a tablefiller by Tom Nguyen, time is 0:18.
    • Easy 100% got a tablefiller as well, this one by Justin Fleck, a 1:16.
    • And finally, Justin made a Nightmare 100% with a time of 1:21.
And, as an icing on the cake, we have a few coops. And it's a good icing, I tell you. The heroes from Uddevalla - Jonny Andersson, Carl Tholin and Johan Nilsson have made TWO madcoops. One of them is a terra3 Easy 100% done in 0:49. The second is evspq1 Easy 100%, beating Evan Wagner, Justin Fleck and Cameron Engles by 1 second to get 0:50.

Also, Jaakko Alakopsa and Paul Davies have made a 2-Player Easy 100% on sm82 in 3:40, which beats Jaakko Alakopsa and Gregory R. Payne by 47 seconds.

That was a lovely bunch of demos, wasn't it? A few holes still remain though, so get going! :)

Saturday, May 5th by NahkahiiR

Sustained fire on a conveyor belt - 01:00

The crowd seems to make multiple requests, which cannot be answered right away. With a little delay (Little? Yes we are lazy bums), we have finally decided to add some new maps to the archive. So, uhm... here they are:

  • The Virtual World by Artyom "Digs" Glazkov. This is a jewel among quake maps with a Tron-like appearance. I'm expecting crazy trickjumps here! Call your demos dig2_XXX.
  • Digs03 by Artyom "Digs" Glazkov. I don't recommend this map for those who get lost easily, You heard it, Mandel. Call your demos dig3_XXX.
  • My Eye is Growing by Necros. A super non-realistic map with a void where every speedrunner has fallen at least once. Call your demos 26n2_XXX.
  • Structured Chaos by John "DaMaul" McCann. Another hell is waiting for you. A large map full of monsters eager to pinch your scalp. Call your demos sm28_XXX.
  • Necropolisish by Christian "czg" Grawert. It is always fun to play maps that resemble the originals by iD. This one lacks the annoying lift on e1m3 though, which is a good thing. Call your demos s51c_XXX.

You must have fun with them, I demand it.

Thursday, May 3rd by NahkahiiR

CONTEST RESULTS!!!111!! - 13:42

Skillz test #27439 contest is finished and its winner is Dmitry Dementjev! Congratulations to him and all other participants.

Once again, big thanks to all people who sent demos. Now go and view the current standings of The Third SDA Championship ladder!

Friday, April 27th by NahkahiiR

Unsane, beyond sanity, and yet not insane - 13:37

Thomas Stubgaard surprises us all with his usual bunch of iD demos... no wait! He didn't record any iD demos this time, but custom map demos! Something new under the sun! The map he selected is an amazingly beautiful gmsp3 where he first took on Richard's Easy 100% beating it by 86 seconds to get a 7:32 and then turned on the skill of the slayers, beating my demo by 4 minutes and 9 seconds, getting 11:23. Quite an improvement! Will he still stick with custom maps or come back to normal slapping of iD records? Who knows.

Next up, Richard Skidmore saw Justin Fleck's demo on grc4beta, thought it's no good and improved it to 2:50, 11 seconds improvement.

But... this is the first time when I take profit of being a TeamSDA member. I noticed Richard's demo in the inbox, had a go at it and sent in a "smoother" 2:44. While I was still on the map, I improved the Fleck's Easy 100% by 4 seconds to get 1:59.
A bit later on #qdq mwh complained that nobody had beaten his recent evilwrld demos. That evil pressure forced me to give a go at both easy and nightmare 100% records, thus getting an ok 1:21 and a horrible 1:22.
The last map in this update featuring me is darkfst. I thought my awful bunnies were good enough to beat the NH, but later I improved all other records too to get my second Total Ownage:

  • darkfst
    • An ok Easy Run in 2:36, beating Joshua Anthony by 3 seconds.
    • A bad Easy 100% in 3:19, beating Ilkka Kurkela by 19 seconds.
    • A horrible Nightmare Run in 2:40, beating Robert Axelsson by 3 seconds.
    • A nice Nightmare 100% in 3:19, beating Ilkka Kurkela by 23 seconds.

Finally, the coops. In the last two months the Floridians Jason Hochreiter and Adam Lewandowski have dominated this front of quake speedrunning, but for a surprise, they only recorded 12 demos. Maybe the contest map kept them busy. Here are their demos:

  • em1
    • Easy 100% in 0:38, beating beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 6 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:38, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 7 seconds.
  • flyer
    • Easy 100% in 0:18, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 4 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:18, tablefiller (single player time 0:24).
  • jjspq1 Nightmare 100% in 1:47, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 30 seconds.
  • mymap Easy 100% in 1:31, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 10 seconds.
  • n3sp03_2
    • Easy Run in 0:40, tablefiller (single player time 0:48).
    • Easy 100% in 0:46, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 11 seconds.
    • Nightmare Run in 0:40, tablefiller (single player time 0:54).
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:46, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 13 seconds.
  • ouver Easy 100% in 0:43, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 4 seconds.
  • spd Easy 100% in 0:28, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 3 seconds.

Remember to play the contest map, there is still 5 days left. The SDA wants your demos.

Wednesday, April 18th by Mandel (2nd update)

Championship 3 contest 4 - 19:10

Time for the fourth round in the third championship! In skillz test #27439 we'll be running our faces purple on "Dude, Where's My Sewage" by Damian Kulot. Easy run and easy 100% demos should be in our inbox no later than Midnight CET, Wednesday May 2nd 2007.

Everyone who participates will be rewarded with points to get a position in The Third SDA Championship ladder! Thus; MAKE DEMOS!

Wednesday, April 18th by dex

Update 100% - 15:33

The last update lacked an ID Single Player record. Two players realized this is not a desired situation and sent their demos in. Arturo Garcia Lasca is at it again! This time he has managed to apply enough smoothness to improve Stubby by no more and no less than 5 seconds, in The Grizzly Grotto Nightmare 100%, meaning he managed a shiny 2:04. We'd only wish his wife would let him play more :)

Somewhere else on the ID front, we can witness a comeback of Nolans 2006 Rookie of the Year, after 3 months with no demos. I still don't have enough of The Nameless City Easy 100%. This time I improved myself by 4 seconds to get 2:35. Not only do I manage to manipulate zombies into being more helpful and I get a lot better start, but I also use the already classic trick with zapping an enemy through the wall. In fact, as a highlight of todays update, I have made a writeup on the latest research on the lightning bug specifics. It's still not finished, the anomalies still need to be explored further, but this document should give you a few ideas to improve some demos. Get to work, slackers!

Then, Michael Hudson decided doing a rogue demo will be a good addition to the update. This 9 second improvement over himself, 3:32 on r2m7 Easy 100% is a very good watch when you want to see some fast monster slaying. Then he has improved old demos by Ilkka. He took a few tries at the evilwrld map. First, he has improved the NH by a minimal second to get 1:33. Then he realized it sucks and he sent in a better 1:28. He also took the Easy 100%, again by a minimal second needed, just enough to get 1:27. Shame on him.

The Florida co-oper is starting to get Single Player records. This time Adam Lewandowski improved both 100%s on mexx1: Easy skill fell down to 0:51, a 3 second improvement over Aleksander Osipov. Then, after changing the 'skill' variable to a lot nicer '3', he recorded a 0:59 beating Morfans by 7 seconds. Finally, he left the skill variable in peace, however he changed the map to hotel and has beaten the NH by Rickard Axelsson to get 0:49, 7 seconds off.

The infamous trackballer has made some demos as well. First Basil de Vries tried bub2. He recorded an EH in 0:25, which is a self-beater, 3 seconds off. Then, he sent another one in, this time mysteriously named 'nh'. However, it was recorded on easy skill. Silly Orbs :).
He also got two 100%s on tcoa. EH beaten Jaakko Alakopsa by 14 secs to get 3:40. NH is a tablefiller, 4:08. Basil took his chance to be silly again and sent a wrong .txt file for the NH, whoops.

David Spickermann remembered the quake section mail address and sent a few demos after quite a lot of time without one. Starting with pushcoag EH, he first got a 1:50, 4 seconds better than Stefan Schwoon, and then he improved it to 1:48 for a 6 second improvement in total. He also took his chance at ih1m4 Nightmare Run, getting a 7 second improvement over Dan Stukanev. 0:27 is a lot better, don't you think? It's actually a very nice demo, great effort from Dave.

Back to tcoa, Tom Nguyen has made a tablefiller for the NR place, 0:32 is the time he achieved.


Jason Hochreiter and Adam Lewandowski:

  • mexx1
    • Easy 100% in 0:32, beating Aleksander Osipov and Jaakko Alakopsa by 6 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:36, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 11 seconds.
  • catacomb
    • Easy 100% in 0:33, beating Evan Wagner and Cameron Engles by 1 second.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:33, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 7 seconds.
  • jjspq1 Easy 100% in 1:47, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 27 seconds.
  • maniac11
    • Easy 100% in 0:42, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 8 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:42, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 8 seconds.
  • trinity
    • Easy 100% in 0:59, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 18 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:59, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 20 seconds.
  • whippet
    • Easy 100% in 0:15, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 4 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 0:16, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 3 seconds.
Jason Hochreiter, John Van Dusen and Adam Lewandowski on bbelief3:
  • Easy Run in 0:08, beating Josh Zayas, Warren Hammond and Bruce Wayne by 3 seconds.
  • Nightmare Run in 0:08, beating Pif de Mestre, Luc de Mestre and Andre de Mestre by 4 seconds.

I told you it was filled with 100%s. Also, the ALL maps and ALL demos collection have been updated on April 12th.

Wednesday, April 11th by dex & Nahkahiir

New blood to TeamSDA! - 22:46

It turns out the next year came pretty fast. Yes, that's right, we (dex and NahkahiiR) are joining the SDA team! So, expect more updates from now on. That is, if we don't get lazy :). Right, lets get to the demos...

  • Termination Central 2-Player Nightmare 100% in 0:54 by Jason Hochreiter and Adam Lewandowski, beating Justin Fleck and Evan Wagner by 1 second.
    dex: Hooray at ID coops! I like all the cooperation in this demo, very cool.
    NahkahiiR: You can run it better, although this wasn't bad. :)

  • Azure Agony 3-Player Nightmare 100% in 1:45 by Thomas Stubgaard, Jaakko Alakopsa and Michael Hudson, beating themselves by 15 seconds.
    dex: Whoa, very, very nice! I especially like how Stubgaard makes it look almost as good as his SP demos. All players played their parts great.
    NahkahiiR: It's funny that there are so many quads in this map. They are used well tbh. :)

  • r2m2 Nightmare 100% in 2:08 by Paul Davies, beating Nolan Pflug by 14 seconds.
    dex: Welcome back Lag, and congratulations on the TO. Those rogue maps can be a big pain on Nightmare...
    NahkahiiR: Looks a bit messy, but as I have never completed this level, I can say it is ok. :)

  • mexx10b Nightmare Run in 1:44 by Flavio Quadros, beating himself by 19 seconds.
    dex: This one has got a fair share of close to death moments, a great demo all in all.
    NahkahiiR: Good surviving skills in the middle of that shower of enemy fire!

  • Adam Lewandowski:
    • black3 Easy 100% in 1:21, beating Mads-Peter Stubgaard by 4 seconds.
      dex: A pretty fine demo from the Florida cooper. A few shots were unfortunate, but great job overall. More SP demos please!
      NahkahiiR: Nice to see this newbie showing his skills in the SP front as well. :)

    • funrun
      • Easy 100% in 1:21, beating Pif de Mestre by 17 seconds.
        dex: Very nice. SP demos are always fun, even though the map is crap...
        NahkahiiR: I like the ending of this demo, as both the player and the fiend are flying towards the exit. :)

      • Nightmare 100% in 1:21, beating Pif de Mestre by 17 seconds.
        dex: Pretty much the same as the EH.
        NahkahiiR: Not as entertaining as the ez skill demo. :)

    • hotel Easy 100% in 0:38, beating Rickard Axelsson by 1 second.
      dex: I like how smooth the demo looks. Good going Adam!
      NahkahiiR: The weirdest hotel that I have seen, but Adam greets every visitor evenly.

    • nesp16 Nightmare Run in 0:44, beating Pif de Mestre by 34 seconds.
      dex: Vore ball jumps are always great to see in the demo.
      NahkahiiR: Some balls were needed, and they were used very well!

  • Jaakko Alakopsa:
    • coagula3 Nightmare 100% in 3:38, beating Basil de Vries by 2 seconds.
      dex: It could have been done better...
      NahkahiiR: I borrowed the record from Basil. :)

    • sm24_aard
      • Easy 100% in 2:41, beating Paul Davies by 11 seconds.
        dex: Smooth killing of all the monsters is a pleasure to watch.
        NahkahiiR: A bit faster than NH, but who cares, crap map. :)

      • Nightmare 100% in 2:41, beating Pif de Mestre by 33 seconds.
        dex: And again, nice.
        NahkahiiR: Same shit in a different package.

  • Basil de Vries on coagula3:
    • Nightmare 100% in 3:30, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 8 seconds.
      dex: ...still could have been better....
      NahkahiiR: Then he declared an improvement war by making a faster demo...

    • Nightmare 100% in 3:02, beating himself by 28 seconds.
      dex: this :). Good demo, killing of enemies goes swiftly.
      NahkahiiR: And finally got bored of waiting as I was busy with Nolans stuff and used a better route. Looks decent. :)

  • funrun Easy 100% in 1:32 by Damian Kulot, not a record.
    dex: That one got to us after Adam submitted his own demo.
    NahkahiiR: Nice one, but too late. Better "luck" next time. :)

  • Jason Hochreiter and Adam Lewandowski:
    • dmc1m3 Easy 100% in 0:18, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 1 second.
      dex: I like coops from those guys, nice cooperation there!
      NahkahiiR: Good looking demo on a good looking map. :)

    • funrun
      • Easy Run in 0:24, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 4 seconds.
        dex: Ugly map, still the demo looks very nice.
        NahkahiiR: I did not see that last boost coming.

      • Easy 100% in 0:49, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 8 seconds.
        dex: I like the boosts in this demo. And killing went efficiently.
        NahkahiiR: Nothing extraordinary, nice demo.

      • Nightmare Run in 0:25, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 3 seconds.
        dex: Pretty much the same as the ER.
        NahkahiiR: This time I saw it coming.

      • Nightmare 100% in 0:51, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 6 seconds.
        dex: ....and this one is close to the EH :)
        NahkahiiR: Somewhat inaccurate shooting, overall ok. I hope they are done with this map. :)

    • sadlark7
      • Easy Run in 0:44, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 4 seconds.
        dex: Those guys are just getting better and better. That big boost was a nice touch.
        NahkahiiR: If demos were able to be read, I'd read this before going to sleep. I enjoyed watching it.

      • Easy 100% in 1:23, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 11 seconds.
        dex: Very nice coop action as well. I'm eager to see even more from them :)
        NahkahiiR: These guys are on fire. :)

    • shoot
      • Easy 100% in 0:22, beating Carl Tholin and Johan Nilsson by 1 second.
        dex: High speeds are a good sight in a coop demo.
        NahkahiiR: Nice boost. :)

      • Nightmare 100% in 0:32, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 14 seconds.
        dex: Again, a fine demo.
        NahkahiiR: I like it how the second room was cleared as spawns seemed to act calm. :)

  • well 2-Player Easy 100% in 2:23 by Jaakko Alakopsa and Basil de Vries, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 27 seconds.
    dex: NahkahiiR's role went great, Orbs didn't stand too much behind either.
    NahkahiiR: The waiting place is such a playground. Basil's part was tougher.

Yep, that's it. Oh wait... we forgot something, yeah there are still a few things left.

A new remstud2 build has been released, grab it HERE.
The craziest Dane ever, Thomas Stubgaard recorded a new demo for Qd100Qst project, and the first recams have aired. Find them HERE.

Tuesday, April 10th by dex & Nahkahiir

Nolans 2006 results! - 22:46

The traditional award ceremony was on break last year, and now it has been brought back to you. The mighty results from this year's event can be found HERE. Thanks to all players and voters. It was pretty fun to do the ceremony, and we also had a few of the "oldschool" players join up.

See you next year!

Monday, April 2nd by mwh

What kind of mess would you make after a month of blockage? - 01:30 AM or so

So it's been nearly a month since the last demo update, and we could, maybe even should, trot out some excuses.

If you watch all the demos contained herein without going to the toilet then you might need serious medical attention. It may quite possibly be the largest update in SDA history, but it would only be medium sized without the amazing efforts of Adam Lewandowski and Jason Hochreiter. Adam and Jason: we salute you! Everyone else: pull your fingers out!

In the traditional bullet style, we have 127 demos:

  • Shub-Niggurath's Pit Easy 100% in 0:34 by Flavio Quadros, beating Thomas Stubgaard by 1 second.
  • Marlo Galinski sent in three monumental Nightmare 100% marathons:
  • Azure Agony 3-Player Nightmare 100% in 2:00 by Thomas Stubgaard, Jaakko Alakopsa and Michael Hudson, tablefiller (2 player time 2:18).
  • Michael Hudson on r2m7:
    • Easy 100% in 3:55, beating Nolan Pflug by 9 seconds.
    • Easy 100% in 3:41, beating himself by 14 seconds.
    • Nightmare 100% in 4:15, beating Nolan Pflug by 4 seconds.
  • Jaakko Alakopsa:
    • bbelief1 Nightmare 100% in 1:57, beating Aleksander Osipov by 2 seconds.
    • nesp10
      • Nightmare 100% in 3:12, beating Richard Skidmore by 71 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 3:01, beating himself by 11 seconds.
    • tyrcoag
      • Easy 100% in 2:26, beating Basil de Vries by 34 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 4:43, beating Basil de Vries by 62 seconds.
  • Dmitry Dementjev:
    • czgtoxic
      • Easy Run in 0:24, beating Daniel Andersson by 1 second.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:25, beating Daniel Andersson by 1 second.
    • q1tm3_hrim2_V2 Easy Run in 0:20, beating himself by 3 seconds (this demo is so fast we thought it was cheated, but it turned out to only be a small script which is just about OK).
    • sm24_aard
      • Easy Run in 0:47, beating himself by 3 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:50, beating himself by 4 seconds.
  • dm3rmx Nightmare 100% in 6:16 by Richard Skidmore, tablefiller.
  • Jaakko Alakopsa and Basil de Vries:
    • coagula3
      • Easy 100% in 1:25, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 16 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 2:32, tablefiller (single player time 3:40).
    • tyrcoag Easy 100% in 1:33, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 31 seconds.
  • Adam Lewandowski, James Gray and Jason Hochreiter:
    • elin Nightmare 100% in 0:10, beating Basil de Vries, Paul Davies and David Spickermann by 2 seconds.
    • misery
      • Easy 100% in 0:18, tablefiller (2 player time 0:23).
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:18, tablefiller (2 player time 0:23).
  • Adam Lewandowski and Jason Hochreiter (this bit goes on for some considerable distance):
    • hip2m4
      • Easy Run in 0:30, beating Evan Wagner and Cameron Engles by 3 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:31, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 7 seconds.
    • bbelief1
      • Easy 100% in 0:54, beating Evan Wagner and Justin Fleck by 2 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:12, tablefiller (single player time 0:15).
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:08, beating Evan Wagner and Justin Fleck by 5 seconds.
    • bbelief3
      • Easy Run in 0:28, beating Jozsef Szalontai and Attila Csernyik by 1 second.
      • Easy 100% in 1:06, beating Evan Wagner and Cameron Engles by 4 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:30, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 7 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:25, beating Evan Wagner and Nolan Pflug by 10 seconds.
    • mexx2 Easy 100% in 0:17, beating Jaakko Alakopsa and Paul Davies by 1 second.
    • mexx3
      • Easy Run in 0:29, beating Daniel Hansson and Jonny Andersson by 1 second.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:33, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 11 seconds.
    • mexx4
      • Easy Run in 1:14, tablefiller (single player time 1:22).
      • Easy 100% in 1:42, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 32 seconds.
    • mexx9c Easy Run in 1:06, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 10 seconds.
    • mexx10
      • Easy Run in 1:07, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 10 seconds.
      • Easy 100% in 2:08, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 39 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 1:30, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 51 seconds.
    • mexx10b
      • Easy Run in 1:01, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 14 seconds.
      • Easy 100% in 1:54, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 17 seconds.
    • black3
      • Easy Run in 1:05, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 4 seconds.
      • Easy 100% in 1:11, beating Justin Fleck and Evan Wagner by 6 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 1:07, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 5 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:27, tablefiller (single player time 1:58).
    • zer1m1
      • Easy Run in 0:31, beating Evan Wagner and Nolan Pflug by 1 second.
      • Easy 100% in 0:34, beating Evan Wagner and Nolan Pflug by 5 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:34, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 4 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:45, tablefiller (single player time 0:59).
    • dazsp2 Nightmare 100% in 0:41, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 4 seconds.
    • dazsp2b Easy 100% in 1:22, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 5 seconds.
    • dm6sp Easy 100% in 0:31, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 4 seconds.
    • dmc1m4
      • Easy 100% in 0:36, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 5 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:30, tablefiller (single player time 1:56).
    • badland1
      • Easy 100% in 1:07, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 10 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:13, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 17 seconds.
    • blister2
      • Easy Run in 0:48, tablefiller (single player time 0:52).
      • Easy 100% in 1:13, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 13 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:48, tablefiller (single player time 0:54).
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:13, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 13 seconds.
    • cappuccino_v2 Easy 100% in 1:38, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 19 seconds.
    • carnage
      • Easy 100% in 1:01, beating Johan Nilsson and Carl Tholin by 12 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:47, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 9 seconds.
    • chessp1
      • Easy 100% in 0:39, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 8 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:54, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 18 seconds.
    • colony
      • Easy Run in 0:15, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 1 second.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:59, tablefiller (single player time 1:40).
    • con1
      • Easy 100% in 0:15, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 2 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:15, beating Robert Axelsson and Rickard Axelsson by 1 second.
    • crypt
      • Easy 100% in 0:59, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 10 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:04, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 12 seconds.
    • damaul3b
      • Easy Run in 0:24, tablefiller (single player time 0:25).
      • Easy 100% in 0:40, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 6 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:24, tablefiller (single player time 0:27).
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:40, tablefiller (single player time 1:17).
    • dnspq1
      • Easy 100% in 0:19, beating Robert Axelsson and Rickard Axelsson by 3 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:31, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 3 seconds.
    • dwell
      • Easy Run in 0:33, beating Robert Axelsson and Rickard Axelsson by 1 second, but missing Connor by a second...
      • Easy 100% in 1:03, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 5 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:13, tablefiller (single player time 1:31).
    • earth
      • Easy 100% in 1:07, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 21 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:13, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 29 seconds.
    • ebony1 Easy 100% in 0:43, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 10 seconds.
    • erotique
      • Easy 100% in 1:01, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 7 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:19, tablefiller (single player time 1:28).
    • frcastl2
      • Easy 100% in 0:23, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 5 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:23, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 5 seconds.
    • gor1
      • Easy 100% in 1:37, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 17 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:57, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 27 seconds.
    • heresp1 Easy 100% in 0:34, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 5 seconds.
    • hunter
      • Easy Run in 0:43, beating Daniel Hansson and Jonny Andersson by 2 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:44, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 4 seconds.
    • jailbrk
      • Easy Run in 1:12, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 1 second.
      • Easy 100% in 1:27, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 10 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 1:12, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 2 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:27, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 12 seconds.
    • mortal
      • Easy Run in 0:19, beating Mathias Thore and Robert Maglic by 2 seconds.
      • Easy 100% in 0:37, beating Daniel Hansson and Jonny Andersson by 3 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:19, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 3 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:40, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 18 seconds.
    • oblivion Nightmare Run in 0:10, beating Robert Axelsson and Alexander Lindgren by 1 second.
    • prison
      • Easy 100% in 0:34, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 6 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:34, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 6 seconds.
    • rit2
      • Easy 100% in 1:14, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 19 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:18, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 22 seconds.
    • royalwar Nightmare 100% in 1:04, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 10 seconds.
    • shoot
      • Easy Run in 0:10, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 1 second.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:11, beating Robert Axelsson and Rickard Axelsson by 1 second.
    • sm27_xenon
      • Easy 100% in 0:31, beating Daniel Hansson and Jonny Andersson by 2 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:32, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 4 seconds.
    • sm56_czg
      • Easy 100% in 0:40, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 6 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:42, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 8 seconds.
    • terror Easy 100% in 1:14, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 10 seconds.
    • tower Easy Run in 0:10, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 1 second.
    • trr
      • Easy 100% in 1:05, beating Justin Fleck and Evan Wagner by 6 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:05, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 13 seconds.
    • ware
      • Easy Run in 0:11, beating Attila Csernyik and Peter Horvath by 1 second.
      • Easy 100% in 0:23, beating Aleksander Osipov and Jaakko Alakopsa by 4 seconds.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:12, beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 1 second.
      • Nightmare 100% in 0:26, beating Aleksander Osipov and Jaakko Alakopsa by 4 seconds.
    • warehaus
      • Easy Run in 0:42, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 4 seconds.
      • Easy 100% in 1:12, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 10 seconds.
      • Nightmare 100% in 1:19, beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 33 seconds.

Remember to vote for the Nolans!

There should probably be some other stuff here, but you haven't read this far anyway, have you?

Sunday, March 25th by dex & Nahkahiir

Nolans time? Already? Hell yes! - 14:28

Guess you didn't expect to see our ugly faces here, now did you? Don't worry, this is just a one time update. And the reason for it is the event we worked to prepare for you. We're proud to give you the 6th Annual Speedrunning Academy Awards, also known as...

The Nolans 2006!

That's right folks, this early into the year, you'll get the chance to vote on the best demos and best players that happened to play Quake in 2006. It was real fun to select nominees, and now it's up to you to do the best choices. Let the party begin! Without any further rambling, go vote here!

Saturday, March 3rd by Stubgaard & friends...

Arnold for President! - 20:27

  • Azure Agony Nightmare 100% in 3:16 by Thomas Stubgaard, beating himself by 7 seconds.
    lodis: Mostly solid shotgun aim, and I love how he exits with only 5 shotgun shells left.
    Mandel:: As with all his recent demos, this one shows how Stubgaard plays Nightmare as if it was Easy. Quake is really missing a fifth skill tuned for this mad hacking Dane.
    mwh: I think this demo is less accurate but more aggressive than the previous one... enough quibbling, it rocks.
    Stubgaard: More or less the same route as in my previous demo except for a few changes, mainly in the silver key room. Got lucky with the zombies in the ceiling!

  • bc2 Easy Run in 0:34 by Dmitry Dementjev, beating Fabian Kollakowski by 1 second.
    lodis: This map is not pretty, I've played it :(
    mwh: Another old demo improved.
    Stubgaard: I suppose this one could be improved another second by shooting the ogre you need to pass with only 8 shotgun shells instead of the usual 9 :-)

  • catacomb Easy 100% in 0:53 by Damian Kulot, beating himself by 4 seconds.
    lodis: Nice, Ankh is getting better and better. Next step: intermission nails?
    mwh: Maybe a map starting with D next?
    Stubgaard: Still on the same old level I see... ;-)

  • con1 Easy 100% in 0:18 by Thomas Bergendorff, beating himself by 1 second.
    lodis: Ugly fucker of a map, but fun to play.
    mwh: How many more seconds can go?
    Stubgaard: Fighting against the fractions.

  • con1 Nightmare 100% in 0:18 by Thomas Bergendorff, beating himself by 1 second.
    lodis: Can 17 be done with this route? You can't miss many shots, that's for sure.
    mwh: How many more seconds can go?, on skill 3.
    Stubgaard: Fighting against the fractions part 2.

  • hellvill Easy Run in 0:25 by Thomas Bergendorff, beating Rickard Axelsson by 2 seconds.
    lodis: 22 or 23 would a cool time.
    mwh: Stack 'em up and flyyyyyyyyyyy!
    Stubgaard: One of my favorite demos in this update.

  • hellvill Nightmare Run in 0:26 by Thomas Bergendorff, beating Rickard Axelsson by 3 seconds.
    lodis: Damn hellknight :((
    mwh: Stack 'em up and flyyyyyyyyyyy!
    Stubgaard: Thomas has a fetish for headbutting Death Knights...

  • q1tm3_hrim_V2 Easy 100% in 3:25 by Jaakko Alakopsa, tablefiller.
    lodis: Interesting route!
    mwh: I'm sure there's an intended route to this map, but I don't know what it is.
    Stubgaard: Sweet route!

  • q1tm3_hrim_V2 Nightmare 100% in 6:17 by Jaakko Alakopsa, tablefiller.
    lodis: It's ok, but it needs more balls.
    mwh: Needs more Morfans!
    Stubgaard: My estimated guess before Jaakko began running this map was 6 minutes for the NH... I came pretty close!

  • q1tm3_hrim2_V2 Easy Run in 0:25 by Dmitry Dementjev, beating Thomas Bergendorff by 2 seconds.
    lodis: Oooh nice route, I didn't see that coming.
    mwh: Slopey slopey.
    Stubgaard: No comment.

  • q1tm3_hrim2_V2 Easy Run in 0:23 by Dmitry Dementjev, beating himself by 2 seconds.
    lodis: ..and here's the cleaner version, nice.
    mwh: A bit faster.
    Stubgaard: A bit of jumping and a bit of running...

  • q1tm3_hrim2_V2 Nightmare 100% in 4:03 by Jaakko Alakopsa, tablefiller.
    lodis: Cute!
    mwh: Hang on, I meant to say I don't know if this map has an intended route...
    Stubgaard: Not bad, not bad, but you can do better Jaakko ;-)

  • q1tm3_hrim2_V2 2-Player Easy 100% in 1:04 by Jaakko Alakopsa and Aleksander Osipov, tablefiller (SP time 1:49).
    lodis: Haven't seen it.
    mwh: Jump around!
    Stubgaard: Clever route planning. Good demos.

  • sm24_aard Easy Run in 0:50 by Dmitry Dementjev, beating himself by 4 seconds.
    lodis: Nice boosting!
    mwh: I'm dizzy now.
    Stubgaard: This map confuses the piss outta me! All the rocketboosting doesn't make it any easier NOT to get disorientated...

  • tcoa Easy Run in 0:23 by Flavio Quadros, beating Thomas Bergendorff by 8 seconds.
    lodis: Wow. Now I'm waiting for someone mad enough to boost all the way to the top.
    mwh: At least Flavio didn't beat my demo by 10 seconds on the same route :-)
    Stubgaard: I did NOT see this one coming! Very clever demo, thumbs up Mr Quadros.

  • tcoa 2-Player Easy 100% in 2:14 by Jaakko Alakopsa and Mathias Thore, tablefiller (SP time 3:54).
    lodis: Nice flying!
    mwh: Needs more players! Like, 4 or 5 more players...
    Stubgaard: It seems that Jaakko has a fetish for buttblasting Mathias...

We've opened the doors for another Quake done Quick project. This will be a follow up to the Rabbit Run. This time we won't focus so much on time improvements, mainly because most of the maps are already considered "optimal", but instead we'll try and focus on smoother/better looking demos, creative style, etc etc. Robert Maglic recorded a faster demo for e2m6 just yesterday and it's one hell of a bombastic demo! Check out the new project, named Quake done Quickest lite, right here!

Also, the Bunny Comparison page has been updated twice over the last few days.

Saturday, February 24th by Most of Us

Coop speedruns? More like coop updates! - 19:00

If you're looking to add forty-five more demos to your collection.


  • Demos on ID MAPS:

    • the Ogre Citadel Nightmare 100% in 1:21 by Thomas Stubgaard, beating Martin Selinus by 2 seconds.
      Lag.Com: Nice route. Only muppets get .0 though!
      Mandel: Ever since I started reading the SDA tables, I have wondered why this record belonged to someone other than Stubgaard. Now I don't need to wonder anymore :)
      mwh: I was surprised Stubgaard did this, he's always been so adamant about how much he hates the map... nice result though!
      Stubgaard: My initial goal was just to improve it by whatever I could, and then submit... Definitely not my best ID demo, but the map is horrible for NH so this will have to do... for now :-)

    • Termination Central Easy 100% in 1:04 by Arturo Garcia Lasca, beating himself by 5 seconds.
      Lag.Com: Ken's demos always give me motion sickness... :(
      Mandel: I wouldn't have expected that route change to save this much time! Well done.
      mwh: I was surprised that it took so long from Johnathan's post of the new route on the forum to a demo... the result was faster than I expected though.
      Stubgaard: Neat route tweak.

    • the Palace of Hate 2-Player Easy 100% in 1:08 by Jaakko Alakopsa and Aleksander Osipov, beating Jaakko Alakopsa and Basil de Vries by 5 seconds.
      Lag.Com: Great play from both players there. What I wonder is why Jaakko ignores the bridge...
      Mandel: There must be forty thousand possible routes on this map in single player mode alone...
      mwh: Go go Finland!
      Stubgaard: This demo makes the one Martin and I did over LAN sometime in 2002 seem quite bad...

  • Demos on NEW MAPS:

    • q1tm3_hrim_V2

      • Easy Run in
        • 0:24 by Jaakko Alakopsa
        • 0:23 by Jaakko Alakopsa
        • 0:18 by Jaakko Alakopsa
        • 0:17 by Mathias Thore
        Lag.Com: Such an epic map cut down to size!
        Mandel: Thanks Jaakko for the route :P
        mwh: I can't do this slope jump.
        Stubgaard: Stealing someone else's route are we... tsk tsk... It's the proper way to do it though :-)
      • An Easy 100% has been done, but we're too disorganized to include it.
      • Nightmare Run in 0:17 by Mathias Thore.
        Lag.Com: I thought Nightmare was supposed to be harder!
        Mandel: Apparently, Jaakko's route also works on the one and only playable skill.
        mwh: I can't do it on Nightmare either.
        Stubgaard: Bleep!
      • Nightmare 100% waiting for someone with big enough balls.
    • q1tm3_hrim2_V2

      • Easy Run in
        • 0:31 by Jaakko Alakopsa
        • 0:28 by Thomas Bergendorff
        • 0:27 by Thomas Bergendorff
        Lag.Com: Speedrunner see rooftops? Speedrunner jump on rooftops.
        Mandel: Wtf, that route is ingenious, I thought both this map and the other one from hrimfaxi would never be run under a minute each!
        mwh: Nice route, nice execution.
        Stubgaard: I think the same as Mandel :-)
      • Easy 100% in
        • 2:15 by Richard Skidmore
        • 1:49 by Jaakko Alakopsa
        Lag.Com: Great quad usage, there.
        Mandel: Nice going, Jaakko. Beating a Morfans demo is one of my own long term goals.
        mwh: Coop 100%s on this map should be awesome.
        Stubgaard: Who need bunnies when you can just think up a smarter and faster route!
      • Nightmare Run in 1:02 by Richard Skidmore.
        Lag.Com: Poor shamblers never knew what hit 'em.
        Mandel: Nice to see Morfans on the slopes... Daring exit with 6 health here!
        mwh: I can see getting splatted at the end getting annoying when trying this run.
        Stubgaard: Proper skill level, proper demo, proper exit stats! Yay!
      • Nightmare 100% not done yet, pussies.
    • tcoa

      • Easy Run in
        • 0:47 by Nathan Egan
        • 0:41 by Michael Hudson
        • 0:33 by Michael Hudson
        • 0:31 by Thomas Bergendorff
        Lag.Com: That's a mighty fine route.
        Mandel: While I was running around looking for keys and stuff, the smart guys simply run around looking for explosives. Good plan...
        mwh: It's a shame that there's no sensible route involving a quad boost...
        Stubgaard: I figured the fastest route would end up looking something like this.
      • Easy 100% in 3:54 by Jaakko Alakopsa.
        Lag.Com: Hey, this is a pretty level! Also, extra points for exiting on 1 health.
        Mandel: Now we know what every part of tcoa looks like :)
        mwh: Again, I wish there was more boosting involved.
        Stubgaard: Interesting route planning, not sure if it's the best way to approach the map though...
      • This being a Trinca map, I imagine Nightmare is kind of scary...
    • Single player demos on OTHER MAPS:

      • catacomb Nightmare 100% in 0:55 by Damian Kulot, beating himself by 3 seconds.
        Lag.Com: All I know about this map is that it has a really fast run.
        Mandel: Ankh is the new Jozsef, or Connor, or something! Or will be :) Neat!
        mwh: Sticking with the masochistic level choices I see...
        Stubgaard: Go go Gadget!

      • con1 Easy and Nightmare 100% in 0:19 and 0:19 by Thomas Bergendorff both beating Fabian Kollakowski by 1 second.
        Lag.Com: Can't really do much better than that on this rubbish.
        Mandel: Didn't like this piece of rubbish one bit. Just kidding... It's a pair of good old lodis demos!
        mwh: Good demos, bad map.
        Stubgaard: My eyes! I vote for this one as worst map on SDA. Neat demos though!

      • hellbrid Easy Run in 0:34 by Dmitry Dementjev, beating Rutger Baks by 3 seconds.
        Lag.Com: Quite an eventful demo!
        Mandel: Quite an eventful demo!
        mwh: Quite an eventful demo!
        Stubgaard: Quite an eventful demo!

      • pushcoag Nightmare Run in 1:58 by Adam Lewandowski, beating Stefan Schwoon by 9 seconds.
        Lag.Com: This map is quite irritating.
        Mandel: I don't see anything wrong with this map! Of course it's not runnable, but it will always remind me of the brief comeback Stefan did in 2004 :)
        mwh: Why did we add this map?
        Stubgaard: Hats off to anyone who has attempted to speedrun this map! And pants off to Adam "Big Lewandowski" for picking THIS map to do his first single player record on!

    • COOPS FROM FLORIDA (all 2-Player by Jason Hochreiter and Adam Lewandowski):

      • blister 2-Player

        • Easy Run in 0:36 and 0:35 (SP time 0:39).
        • Easy 100% in 0:41 beating Jaakko Alakopsa and David Spickermann by 6 seconds.
        • Nightmare Run in 0:35 tablefiller (SP time 0:40)
        • Nightmare 100% in 0:41 beating Jaakko Alakopsa and David Spickermann by 5 seconds.
      • colony Easy 100% in 0:54 beating Evan Wagner and Cameron Engles by 7 seconds.

      • forrit Easy and Nightmare 100% in 0:25 and 0:30 beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 2 and 3 seconds.

      • ftfs100b

        • Easy Run in 0:20 beating Jaakko Alakopsa and David Spickermann by 1 second.
        • Easy 100% in 0:29 beating Jaakko Alakopsa and David Spickermann by 2 seconds.
        • Nightmare Run in 0:27 tablefiller (SP time 0:36).
        • Nightmare 100% in 1:05 tablefiller (SP time 1:32).
      • lfdm4 2-Player Easy Manual 100% in 0:19 beating Jaakko Alakopsa and David Spickermann by 2 seconds.

      • misery Easy and Nightmare 100% in 0:23 and 0:23 beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 4 seconds each time.

      • pagan3 Easy and Nightmare 100% in 0:19 and 0:19 beating Luc de Mestre and Pif de Mestre by 2 seconds each time.

      • scream 2-Player Easy 100% in 0:49 beating Jaakko Alakopsa and David Spickermann by 2 seconds.

      • thecrypt 2-Player Nightmare 100% in 0:55 beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 4 seconds.

      • theledge Easy and Nightmare 100% in 0:26 and 0:26 beating Pif de Mestre and Luc de Mestre by 6 seconds each time.

As a bonus, try and rearrange these comments to the correct Cali-coops:
  • Former DM maps are good for coop, aren't they?
  • Good work surviving on Nightmare. This map is unfriendly.
  • That's far too many scrags for one level.
  • Tick, tick, tick, tick, boom!
  • Simple on Easy. Do it on Nightmare, go on!
  • At least it isn't avatar.
  • Barada klaata nikto.
  • Ah, memories of my first submitted demo..
  • Some of these aren't half bad, and some are NHs...
  • Lickety split.
You might think that's quite enough content to chew on for now. However, we just love cramming it in your face, so here's the official SpeedCon 2006: DaneCon webpage! Check it out to get a full view of the general devastation three speedrunners wrought upon the fair city of Copenhagen. Also, if you haven't watched any of their demos, it's a good opportunity to see how it's done when you don't have to worry about silly things such as lag.

Hah, now you have to work out whether to watch the new records or look at their page first!

Tuesday, February 13th by lodis

See? I'm not all that lazy...I do an update every other year?! - 19:50

I managed to convince Danish mapper Hrimfaxi to fix a few bugs on two of his maps so we could add them to our lovely archive. It didn't really take that much, all I had to do was ask (Stubby standing behind me with a baseball bat screaming things in Danish probably helped - though I'm not sure they understood eachother, see this for an explanation why).
To finish off we added Trincas new map as well. It's been bugtested by Morfans among others!
  • Raisins in a Box by Hrimfaxi. Large map, I really like it. I like grey maps. Yes. They remind me of the porridge I ate as a young speedrunner. Call your demos hri1_XXX.
  • Careful with that Axe.... by Hrimfaxi. I'm looking forward to the 100%s on this map. Call your demos hri2_XXX.
  • The City of Angels by Trinca. I got lost on this map and had to call for help ("mommy???"). Call your demos tcoa_XXX.
Have fun!

Monday, February 12th by Mandel (2nd update)

These ARE the contest results you are looking for... - 21:10

Deja Doom contest is finished and its winners are Arturo Garcia Lasca and Thomas Bergendorff. Congratulations to Arturo and Thomas, and of course a big thanks to everyone who sent a demo!

Everyone who sent in a demo can also thank himself for being smart and earning at least one point in The Third SDA Championship ladder!

Monday, February 12th by mwh & friends

These are not the contest results you are looking for... - 4:00 PM

We have a new and very productive coop team in this update, but lets start with the mere eleven single player demos, only four of which are single player ID demos:
  • the Installation Nightmare 100% in 1:23 by Thomas Stubgaard, beating Jozsef Szalontai by 1 second.
    lodis: My favourite moment is how he places the grenade at the gold key door - it's those small details that make it beautiful.
    Mandel: More closely shaven than lodis' ass!
    Morfans: Not bad, but I can see how it could be done faster. :-P
    mwh: I know Stubgaard sweated blood for this, but even if I didn't I'd still be impressed.
    Stubgaard: ...and I suppose you're the one to show us how, Morfans? ;-)

  • Azure Agony Easy 100% in 1:52 and 1:50 by Aleksander Osipov, beating himself by 1 and then 3 seconds.
    lodis: My my, what a treat. Backwardsbunnies onto slopes, aiming and shooting in the middle of a bunny...lovely.
    Mandel: The 1:52 was freaking sweet and had me screaming. Guess what the 1:50 had me doing!
    Morfans: Every time I see this improved I think it can't go any further. Three more seconds? Impossible. This didn't happen.
    mwh: How is this possible? It could have been 1:49 with more luck...
    Stubgaard: Smooth as silk, cowboy aim and lots of luck with the baddies... This demo is a treat!

  • the Nameless City Easy 100% in 2:39 by Karol Urbanski, beating himself by 3 seconds.
    lodis: Nice, dex is improving by the day, a player to watch out for.
    Mandel: How long can we keep calling and thinking of Dex as a newbie :)
    Morfans: Fuck me this is impressive. Not sure the slight bad luck would drop it by a second so I would label this as *wheee*
    mwh: A small improvement we asked for, a thrilling ride we got.
    Stubgaard: Karol just gets better and better. Not many newcomers can come along and claim ID single player records these days. Impressive.

  • catacomb Easy 100% in 0:57 and Nightmare 100% in 0:58 by Damian Kulot, beating Fabian Kollakowski by 3 seconds (twice).
    lodis: This map is horrible, credit goes to Ankh for actually putting up with it for more than 30 seconds.
    Morfans: Tried this myself a while back. Found the map too annoying to play for very long. Fair play to Ankh for making this look so good. The guy's really rollin'.
    mwh: I can easily believe that this map is very annoying.
    Stubgaard: As Morfans said, ugly and annoying map. Why don't you pick a 'proper' map to run next time, Damian? :-) Anything by Necros is a good choice...

  • crucible Easy 100% in 1:15 then 1:12 and Nightmare 100% in 2:00 by Damian Kulot, beating Daniel Lindberg by 6 and then 9 seconds, and Richard Skidmore by 13.
    lodis: Confusing map, I enjoyed the demos.
    Morfans: Glad somebody improved the EH. Was pleasantly suprised to see that the EH route could be adapted to the NH. Ithought I couldn't. But then what do i know??
    mwh: Ankh's getting good, but Morfans-baiting can only be... encouraged.
    Stubgaard: Ugly map, good demos!

  • n3_100b Nightmare Run in 1:55 and 100% in 2:12 by Richard Skidmore, beating Flavio Quadros by 30 and Jaakko Alakopsa by 41 seconds.
    lodis: Morfans is the only person I know who enjoys headbutting shamblers.
    Morfans: I couldn't live with having Ginko's timid shambler kills on this hallowed archive, so I did the NH. Bergie showed me the fast exit so I did the NR. I will never touch this map again!!! :-)
    mwh: This is still Stubgaard's fault, I believe.
    Stubgaard: "Anything by Necros is a good choice"... Except for this one! :-)

Aaaaaand the coops. We have 16 two player coops, all from Floridans Jason Hochreiter and Adam Lewandowski. They had heard that some of the demos by the notorious de Mestre clan were probably not optimal, and set about proving this with some gusto:
  • First up, a quick two-player total coop ownage on jjspq2:
    • Easy Run: 0:37, 3 seconds faster.
    • Easy 100%: 1:07, 7 seconds faster.
    • Nightmare Run: 0:38, 2 seconds faster.
    • Nightmare 100%: 1:08, 7 seconds faster.
  • Then an even quicker 2PTCO on elin:
    • Easy Run: 0:06 1 second faster.
    • Easy 100%: 0:10 1 second faster.
    • Nightmare Run: 0:06 (this one is actually a tablefiller, not a de Mestre-beater)
    • Nightmare 100%: 0:13 2 seconds faster.
  • They fell one short of TO on thecrypt:
    • Easy Run: 0:36, 2 seconds faster.
    • Easy 100%: 0:39, 1 second faster.
    • Nightmare Run: 0:37, 3 seconds faster
    • Nightmare 100%: OOPS! Forgot to record this one?
  • msrj saw a sweet pair of 100%s, 0:22 on Easy (5 seconds faster) and 0:39 on Nightmare (only 1 second faster).
  • The Easy demos on klz100b2 got a smartening, the Run taking 0:17 (2 seconds faster) and the 100% taking 0:25 (1 second faster).
  • Finally, they recorded a solitary demo on chain3 (I can't think about this map without thinking about Denn's sublime ER on it...), the old Easy 100% taking an 8 second beating from this 1:21.
Relying on the well tested principle "MORE PLAYERS: MORE FUN", Jason and Adam hauled in Quake-novice John Van Dusen and took THREE player total coop ownage on the now-well practiced jjspq2 with four tablefillers: Th-th-th-th-that's all folks! Apart from the contest results, which have to wait for Mandel to get home from work.

Monday, January 29th by Mandel

Championship 3 contest 3 - 19:50

Time for the third round in the third championship! In Deja Doom we'll be running our boots bloody on "Dimension of the Diminished" by Flavio Quadros. Easy run and easy 100% demos should be in our inbox no later than Midnight CET, Sunday February 11th 2007.

Everyone who participates will be rewarded points to get a position in The Third SDA Championship ladder! Thus; MAKE DEMOS!

Wednesday, January 24th by Mandel & Stubgaard

2 Player Coop update 2! - 19:40

Hey and welcome to the second cooperative update ever. This time around, the two fools writing it are Mandel and Stubgaard. Get your hopes up...

  • The Nameless City easy 100% in 2:42 by Karol Urbanski, beating Jozsef Szalontai by 2 seconds.
    Mandel: id demos are always nice. Specially the ones that show a small opportunity for further improvement :)
    Stubgaard: I was a bit perplexed by the bunnies at the start, but overall this is a very nice demo. Congratulations to Karol for his 2nd ID SP record!

  • The Underearth 2-player nightmare 100% in 1:51 by Thomas Stubgaard and Mathias Thore, beating Nolan and Justin by 4 seconds.
    Stubgaard: I blame Mathias for picking this map...!
    Mandel: I was not responsible for picking anything! Not even my belly button!

  • hdn easy 100% in 2:29 by Thomas Bergendorff, beating Damian Kulot by 13 seconds.
    Mandel: I just long to see Lodis tackle hdn along Ankh's route (which was more bombastic =) Excellent running in this one.
    Stubgaard: I thought Anhk's demo was very good, but our very own Bergie apparently figured out he could use his old route to beat the new one with... hmm... brilliant!

  • crucible nightmare 100% in 2:13 by Richard Skidmore, beating Matthias Belz by 17 seconds.
    Mandel: There's nothing more exciting than watching Morfans perform quadded rocket jumps at the end of long NH demos...
    Stubgaard: I always shed a tear when one of Belz's records is beaten... *sniff sniff*

  • n3_100b nightmare run in 2:25 by Flavio Quadros. Tablefiller.
    Mandel: Was this an attempt at NH? =) There really wasn't much missing!
    Stubgaard: I'm responsible for adding this map to the archive... SO SHOOT ME! :-)

  • hellctle nightmare run in 1:30 by Flavio Quadros, beating Peter Horvath by 1 second.
    Mandel: GOOD to see this "oldest demo in any archive ever" finally beat by... ONE FULL SECOND!
    Stubgaard: It's always puzzled me why no-one could beat Horvath's old demo... Well, finally someone did... by ONE second... pffft! :-)

  • hobr easy 100% in 2:50 by Flavio Quadros, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 35 seconds.
    Mandel: Little messy at the end, but otherwise this looks SOLID! How can I learn to aim like that?
    Stubgaard: More demos on this map please!

  • chessp1 nightmare 100% in 1:24 by Karol Urbanski, beating Nolan by 4 seconds.
    Mandel: Id record AND this record done in what I believe Karol himself referred to as his "break from speedrunning" ;)
    Stubgaard: Hooray

Besides this, don't miss out on the action Stubgaard is causing on the Quake done 100% Quickest project page. A never ending stream of fuckening excellent demos have been coming from the hand of the Dane lately. Be sure to check it out here.

Thursday, January 11th by mwh & Stubgaard

2 Player Coop update! - 23:20 AM

  • Hell's Atrium Nightmare 100% in 2:12 by Thomas Stubgaard, beating himself by 5 seconds.
    Stubgaard: it's more about being lucky than anything else :)
    mwh: It's a Stubgaard ID1 NH, of course it's good ... also watch the Qd100Qst demo while we're on the map.

  • r1m2 Easy Run in 1:21 by Tom Nguyen, beating Robert Axelsson by 10 seconds.
    Stubgaard: unsuspected butter-smoothness from nguyen, quite a beautiful demo too
    mwh: I consider this demo to be at least partly my fault :) It's better than I hoped for too!

  • chessp1 Easy 100% in 0:41 by Arturo Garcia Lasca, beating Basil de Vries by 11 seconds.
    Stubgaard: err, did he pick a new route or something?
    mwh: Basil was right about this being a much faster route then.

  • coagula Nightmare Run in 0:12 by Mathias Thore, beating Robert Axelsson by 1 second.
    Stubgaard: Optimal? I believe so! beautiful demo too...
    mwh: More bunny power from the modern bunny master

  • commctr Easy 100% in 1:37 by Thomas Bergendorff, beating Carl Tholin by 12 seconds.
    Stubgaard: High quality demo, 'nuff said!
    mwh: Another smooth as silk Bergie EH

  • frostbite Easy 100% in 1:54 by Flavio Quadros, beating himself by 25 seconds.
    Stubgaard: Best demo yet from Flavio if you ask me. Good stuff!
    mwh: In another update, this might be the demo of the update. In this one, it just fits right in...

  • hdn Easy 100% in 2:42 by Damian Kulot, beating Thomas Bergendorff by 11 seconds.
    Stubgaard: The first "suprise" demo of the year I'd say! Top notch playing and brilliant tricks all the way through. Can we expect to see the NH next? Pretty please...?
    mwh: This is FUCKING FUN TO WATCH

  • hellbrid Easy Run in 0:37 by Rutger Baks, beating Dmitry Dementjev by 1 second.
    Stubgaard: Tricks! And lots of them!
    mwh: Trick after trick.

  • hobr Easy Run in 1:05 by Flavio Quadros, beating Tom Nguyen by 1 second.
    Stubgaard: I'd like to see more 100% demos on this map... oh, nice demo btw :-)
    mwh: I reckon this is about 1 second better than the previous demo.

  • lfdm4full Nightmare 100% in 0:30 by Jonathan Lenhardt, beating himself by 2 seconds.
    Stubgaard: It's a shame this dude hasn't made more than a handful of demos :/
    mwh: Lots of action in this one.

  • ne_dust2 Easy 100% in 2:39 by Karol Urbanski, beating Jaakko Alakopsa by 5 seconds.
    Stubgaard: no comment
    mwh: Could be better...

  • ne_dust2 Easy 100% in 2:19 by Karol Urbanski, beating himself by 20 seconds.
    Stubgaard: Monster infightning is the key to this little enjoyable map from my favorite mapper
    mwh: ... like this :-)

  • ne_dust2 2-Player Easy Run in 0:02 and 2-Player Nightmare Run in 0:02 by Mathias Thore and Robert Maglic, beating Jaakko Alakopsa and Aleksander Osipov by 1 second.
    Stubgaard: This is just silly...
    mwh: Rattle-blam.

  • pb1 Easy Run in 0:15 by Arturo Garcia Lasca, beating himself by 18 seconds.
    Stubgaard: What's the deal with the ugly movement with the mouse after having performed the trick?
    mwh: Now this is a crazy trick.

Happy new year! If all the demos this year are as good as this lot, we're in for a great year.